Fantasy Screens and Role Models

All the world is a screen, and we are just mere animated figures.

Television, Film, and the Internet have created a situation in our minds that makes it difficult to discern reality from fiction. We speak of characters that we have seen on screen as if they are real people. Stories from complete fiction are becoming our history. News media outlets produce out of a need for viewership and marketshare entertainment cloaked as news but just enough news to keep people addicted to it without going deeper than the surface to explain the full issue at hand out of a lack of "time".

We live in a world of animated role models. Regardless of whether it is athletes on TV who are real but shares a medium with fictional characters, or political figues whose NIL represents a very narrow view of who that person is in reality. Movie stars are confused with the roles they play and so most of the influence in society comes from a controlled illusion.

Within this world of cyber messages you can present just about any narrative you want and many people will believe it is true. Even news producers are no longer reliable sources because they present stories in such a theatrical way. News is not ideological and yet that is what we have in most cases.

This is a dangerous situation for a free society. No one narrative should dominate our thinking yet it has become obvious that it is so easy to literally brainwash a large sectors of a free society through the use of the media available to everyone today through the internet and a personal electronic device, PED, such as televisions, radios, computers, tablets, and smart phones.

The result of the aformentioned is confusion and uncertainty, division and chaos. Once the deception has been ingested long enough it only takes a proverbial jerk of the chain and people fall in line like a well trained military unit. At that point you have a human clone army waiting to do your bidding.

Once you have built mistrust into the minds of the people you can get them to mistrust institutions that have worked for the good of the society for many years and label them as mafias. Mistrust in institutions like the FDA, CDC, FTC, FAA, and so on who are there to protect us from abuse become discredited because of some manufactured conspiracy theory created out of such media manipulations.

The danger here isn't so much the mistrust of institutions but the ability for one source of information and opinion to become "The Answer" for many and that one way of thinking becomes forced on everyone. A mono-idealogy is set in motion in the country which leads to the belief in a single authoritative leader, political party, and religion otherwise know as a Dictatorship or a One Party System of Government. They are the ultimate machine for corruption in the world where the powerful few have complete control over the sprawling masses.

Underneath all of this is the ability for groups to form with an ideological agenda tied to the powerful agendas set by the mono-ideology mentioned above. These are the footsoldiers of these ideologies who will act out violently in support of the twisted ideologies.

Information is only really useful when it is factual and not based in rumers, speculation, or planted conspiracy theories.

The Search for Real Role Models

So who are young people to look up to as role models today?

Young people should not look to the media for role models per se, rather as inspiration. Role models are those people in our society that have earned the respect by handling themselves in a consistent and highly moral way. These are the people who have achieved things in their lives which are on a high level, whether it be through science, art, business, or social benevolence and who contribute freely to causes in the community focused on doing good things for people.

A role model is someone who has gone the long road, has studied, practiced, and perfected their professional abilities. Role models believe in higher education not because of the job or income you can potentially create from it but rather because they are interested in becoming a human being at the highest level and are interested in the world as a whole, not only their own backyards.

In practically every living room across the country the black hole on the wall is being stared at by hundreds of millions of people at any given moment around the world. The mind assumes everything it gets through the senses to be true information. The mind doesn't have an opinion or a leaning in any way to the streams of information coming at us through the "Smart" TV. However, the mind does learn patterns, and becomes comfortable with those patterns. When the minds have been trained then it is easy to feed the "dog" any treat you want them to have. Now you have the "dogs" watching only that one channel that agrees with the training it has had and vehemently resists any other narrative.

The only way out of the media hold on us is to become addicts of the truth. The purity of the truth must become the elixir of a strong society more intrested in what is true than blindly believing a particular resource of information that is pumping out a certain ideology.

Somehow this society must free itself from the influence of fantasy screens and fantasy role models. After all, Darth Vader, Yoda, Batman, Superman,etc. don't actually exists. They aren't real. The images we see on TV from real people shouldn't be followed like a cartoon deity either. We should all run away from such superficialities as if our lives depended on it, because it does.