Inspired by the sermon yesterday by Mark’s pastor Micheal Norton in his discussion about “Faith and Works”. I have a long-held philosophy about the arguments that get bantered around between the existence of the spiritual realm and the physical world we are so tied to. In fact, these…
Month: September 2023

Popular and Elite Art: What is good?
Popular makes a lot of money because you have more people agreeing that something is good. But, does “popular” mean that something is actually good? Well, it certainly doesn’t mean it is bad. It just means that a lot of people agree on something. It may or may not have…

Stress: A rejection of the “is”ness of life.
I have always been one to look to the horizon. I tend to look to the future for something to look forward to or looking back and longing for it to return and realizing that both are nothing but mental tricks. I can’t remember a time in the past that…

Permanent Positivity: Life is like a doughnut, the hole exists and I see it, but I can’t eat the hole, I can only enjoy the part that exists, the good part, the tasty part, the sweet part that life is. The joy of life is in the part that brings happiness.
As I sit here and write this post listening to a new playlist on my YouTube Channel “Timothy Simpson – Inspire” of the entire Playlist of all Kansas, yes the rock band, songs from the beginning in order, I realize that the music of Kansas has been really a big…
The appalling political situation in America and around the world.
“I think I must be in the wrong film.” German Saying This is how I have felt about the direction of American politics since the Reagan administration. I attribute much of this to two factors; 1. Fox News, 2. Rush Limbaugh. Not sure which came first but both are…