Golden Time: Early Morning

The Golden Time of day for me is the early morning hours. It is the time before the day starts. It is the time when I can set my day up for peace of mind. It is my time. 

For me, it is the time of "morning pages" as described in the book "The Artist's Way by Julia Cameron. I didn't get the idea from her because I started doing it before I read her book. It reinforces my belief in the practice.

I always wondered if the thoughts I have in the morning are accurate thoughts. Are the thoughts that I have racing through my mind telling me the truth?

It seems that when I look back at my life that those thoughts that come early in the morning are true. Many of them are fearful, negative, and warning types of thoughts. I think that if I address those thoughts and take action to answer them, then it can solve problems. These issues are real issues. I know they are real issues and usually, they are issues I want to avoid.

Most importantly they are thoughts that are just about my issues and if my issues aren't in order then everything else in life is going to be even more difficult. The world isn't there to solve our problems. The world serves to confuse us and distract us from our first major responsibility which is making sure that we are taking care of ourselves.

Life is like a building. You have to build it from the ground up. The foundation of life is built on different pillars and each pillar carries a different load while sharing the load for the entire building.

What are the pillars of life and which ones do you put first?

The answer to that is all of them equally. If any pillar is not equally strong the building will collapse, or at the very least lean unevenly putting unfair stress on the other pillars, and the building is insecure.

What are the pillars of a person's well being? I consider the answer to this question to focus only on the individual although a person's relationship to other people is an important pillar all it's own. But, the focus here is on the good of the individual.

I don't list these in any order of importance because they are all equally important.

  • The Pillars of a Successful Life
    • Money - Skills - Education - Knowledge
      • Accounting
      • Taxes
      • Income
      • Management
      • Planning
      • Legal
      • Real Estate
      • Investing
      • Insurance
    • Health
      • Fitness - Endorphines
        • Strength - weights
        • Endurance - walking - running - bicycling
        • Flexibility - Stretching - Yoga - Dance
        • Skilled sports (a sport: golf, basketball, tennis, etc.)
        • Bedroom sports.
      • Diet
        • Hydration
        • Nutrition
        • Enjoyment
      • Relationships
        • Intimate
        • Familial
        • Social
      • Artistic Expression - (Skilled Practice)
        • Music
        • Art
        • Writing
        • Dance
        • Gardening/Landscaping
      • Spiritual
        • Time for yourself
        • Meditation
        • Groups (Religions or Belief Practice)
        • Nature escape.

In the Golden Time, I think it is important to find peace, write out your thoughts, before exercising and launching into the day.

I find this method very relaxing. But, there is a limit to how much time to take doing it.

Take time for yourself and set up your life for happiness.