Series: What is EN? 2 A "Secret" society

EN is a “secret” society? How’s that?

The Empower Network is a “secret” society that anyone can be in but not everyone will participate in. Why?

To be in a “secret” society there are rules to follow and there are codes of conduct to be adhered to. While there is no official society in the Empower Network, I am using the term to make an example, there are quite a few unwritten codes to be observed. What are these codes?

  1. Income Disclaimers: This one IS written in bold print. NEVER Guarantee Income.

  2. No Excuses. Take responsibility for your business.

  3. No Badmouthing. In communications about other companies, promoters and businesses, stay positive. No trashing anyone, no matter what the others say about the Empower Network.

  4. Follow the 8 Steps If you don’t do the work you cannot expect results.

  5. Integrity. The Empower Network is only as strong as it’s members. The idea is to lift up together by holding self to a higher standard.

There is a masterminding that goes on in “secret” societies, like the secret society that formed the United States, the Freemasons. Great things can be accomplished when you don’t allow your mission to get watered down by the disempowering beliefs of those who will not agree to a code of conduct and the quest for attaining what is good for others sometimes at the expense of self. 

It is difficult to describe the Empower Network in so many words, in order to understand it, you must be in it and listen to the Inner Circle audio program. 

You do not have to be an affiliate to be in the Empower Network, you can just buy and use the products and learn about internet marketing and all of the things that is taught here by people making literally millions doing it RIght Now, and have, not ONLY with the Empower Network. 

Knock three times, and they may just let you in!


There are just some of my thoughts on the “secret” society.