The Laws of Life #2: The Law of Place – Home

Home is where we live: The Laws of Life: #2 The Law of Place

The second Law of Life is the Law of Place.  Just as in the Law of Time you can be nowhere else but where you are at this moment. You cannot be in two places at once. So, whatever place you are in it is important to feel at home there. If you are in a place and are thinking of being in another place, you are stressed, because your mind is trying to pull you away from where you are, cheating yourself and others of the purity of the moment.

It is obvious that this is a Law because it can be no other way. It is the truth…almost.

…for there is another place that is parallel to it that makes every place you go in life ”Sacred Ground.”  It is the awareness of the spiritual world which makes life hospitable no matter where you go. It is always with you, and as long as you are aware of it, no place is foreigh.

For myself, I can say that my life has been a long series of moves. Here and there and everywhere. Always living a temporary life, and when I tried to put down roots, it got uprooted. Living a life moving from one place to another is not a good strategy for a lot of reasons, but one of the most important reasons is that you have difficulty being stable in yourself.

It is hard to build a kingdom in 2 years. You get to know people and then you leave, start over again. Going back and going forward is no way to live. Growing a home and depth in life is what brings you rest. Sure there are a lot of things and places we want to see, but without a home your life doesn’t gather quality.

I am not here and now for a while, but I want the next move to be the last one and right now I don’t know where that is going to be. But, all I know is, the 2nd Law of Life, is an important one. Be at home where you are now
