Winning and Becoming a Champion – Step 2

Winning and becoming a champion…

Step 2 : Start Early

The first step in being a winner and a champion is to know that nobody can win for you. Nor would you want them to. Who wants to win a prize and see someone else get it?  That is unfair and you feel cheated. It is just wrong. 

So that is number one, if you are going to win, you will be the one doing the winning! 

But step two is probably one of the most overlooked aspects of success in life and that is starting early.

The Early Bird —- WINS!

What do I mean by that?  

The first thing to realize is that the kid who gets the earliest training has a huge advantage over everyone else.  Here are some examples of this…

Tiger Woods was golfing basically as soon as he could walk. Mozart was playing violin and piano before most kids learn to read and write. Look at movie stars, Jodie Foster grew up in the film industry and acting. Peyton and Eli Manning were the sons of a Heisman Trophy winner…the list is quite long. 

Well, if you are reading this you are not 5 years old. So what is there to do?

The Earliest You Can Start Anything Is Right Now

The future is nothing but a series of tomorrows never to be reached. The past is nothing but a series of yesterdays never to be revisited. Tomorrow is not going to be the time to start anything. 

You can only win today…NOW.

The moment of victory is the most exhilerating experience one can have. It can’t be revisited. Crossing the finish line is the highest high you can ever have. If you have ever experienced you know that this is true. 

Winning is one of life’s most rewarding experiences. Everyone can win, but not everyone does. Why? 

Because they never get started and if they do they stop to easily. 

The race isn’t over until you win! And then it has just started again! 

Don’t put off winning till tomorrow, enter your email here and get moving!