Your Day Off


The Most Important Day Of The Week Is Your Day Off

Strange isn’t it that one of the Ten Commandments should be about your day off?  ”Remember the Sabbath and keep it Holy.”  Regardless of whether you are religious or not, following the Ten Commandments certainly will give your life more quality.

This morning I woke up and the sun is glowing on the trees and the birds are doing their chants to it.  Yes, I hear the sounds of civilization, cars, jets and people moving to and fro doing what people do.  But, it is Sunday and I am tired of trying to figure things out, worrying about this or that and burdened by life’s requirements.  I thought ”I need a day off from all of this turmoil.”  It made me wonder about those words in the Ten Commandments, keep the Sabbath Holy.  It is good advice.

A Day Off Is A Break From Worldly Life

Somehow the fact that this is a commandment sort of makes you want to break it, because rules are annoying.  Commanding someone to take a day off seems like not much of a commandment, does it.  But, what it is saying really, is lighten up!  Breathe deeply, empty your mind of all thoughts, open your body, mind, spirit and emotions to the universe and nature, become human being for just one day and live a day of peace inside.  This means taking a day off from anything that burdens you, whether it is family, friends, work, money management, writing a blog, sending E-mails, doing advertising or any of the things that are not related to your spirit.  Take the day and do something for your spirit.

As I have learned through my study on Buddhism, thoughts are burdensome.  That is really all Buddhism is, the knowledge that we and our existence on earth are not attached to our thoughts, and our constant thinking keeps us imprisoned in the worldly prison of thought.  Jesus shared this philosophy as he quoted an Old Testament verse that you don’t live by bread alone, but by the word of God.  What is the ”Word of God”?  In essence it is nothing.  That may seem a bit blasphemous, but really it isn’t at all.  To speak with God and to hear the words, you must be quiet and open up the channels of communication, not expecting a thought based on your thoughts, but openness to a higher intelligence that doesn’t speak with words but with consciousness.

You Day Off Is To Speak The Language That Surpasses All Understanding

Consciousness is the state of being that is the day off mode.  The Ten Commandments say take an entire day a week off from meaning, thinking, planning, working and worrying. All of these activities that we deem so important will not add one day to your life nor do they make life more enjoyable.  It takes practice to stay with half of your being in a state of consciousness, so on your day off stop all of the thinking and commune with openness to the universe.  Go into nature, share times of love and speak only of good things.  Do that which fills your spirit with good things and live one day a week in light.

Enjoy the day and your peace.  And if you have to blog every day, or do something else every day, do it the day before and just let it carry over, so you don’t have to worry about it on your day off.

Work six days and take the seventh off.  But, knowing what that means is very important, otherwise you aren’t really taking the day off.
