The best way to financial stability in the future is going to be by building an income through an organization of people doing the same thing.
I’ve given this a lot of thought lately, and it seems like the world is getting full of ways to make money and new products to promote through marketing. The competition is getting more fierce all of the time and the individual is becoming a hunted animal.
The way to get out of all of this confusion is to build a tribe of people who want to end all of the confusion in their lives and simply do something that makes sense to provide for their financial income security.
You only need one group of people doing one thing together to build it.
In the world of network marketing, there are several different types of companies, but the really successful people in this business are those who get off to a good start, and just do that one business over the long term.
Of course there are the movers and shakers who jump around, or join multiple deals, but the people who stick with one company and one organization of people, do the best, because they know where their money is coming from. It is coming from their tribe, and the people inside of that tribe are earning from it as well.
As I see it, having this set up in anyone’s life would be a smart thing to do, because when you can earn a break free income residually, you are secure.
It is not an investment, it is not a savings plan and it is not the lottery. It is team building and those who can build and maintain a team which succeeds financially are indestructable.
Is it true that the team has to keep expanding in order for it to stay healthy?
Yes it is. But, a team that has the right kind of inspired leadership will succeed, because there is something compelling about it which is easily acceptable to a reasonable person.
A strong team makes it easier for new people to build their business because they can use the success of the team to prove results until they get results of their own.
The truth is, people have a list of bills to pay every month, and that list seems to just keep growing. Each person is one against an army of bills to be paid, taxes to be paid and people to answer to.
What people really need is a source of multiple incomes that help them fight against that mobbing of bills. The only real way to do that on your own is to build a team of people wanting to accomplish the same thing.
This isn’t pie in the sky, it isn’t some magical formula or some one click wonder software, this is building a team based on the idea of free enterprise and the entrepreneurial spirit which has almost become a dirty word when you talk to some people about it.
The money you earn from your team earnings, can then be put into investments and allocated to ensure your life more and more.
Job salaries stagnate at a certain level, but the cost of living continues to rise, and the longer you work a job, the less your earnings cover your cost of living, unless your pay increases faster than that, which in normal cases it will not.
The point is, you are limited in income working a job, but your income is unlimited when you build a team. Together everyone achieves more.
This is what I am wanting to do. Build a team of people who want to build a lasting business based on mutual trust and teamwork so that all can secure a financial future for themselves, for their families and for anyone who decides to become a part of this team.
It isn’t really about getting “rich”, it is about getting “secure”, and to have that level of security reach higher and higer standards.
This is what the Jets Team is all about. Building a legacy together, that no matter what happens, we build together, stay together and if necessary we move together, but we don’t want to move, because we are about building one or two businesses which will sustain us for the rest of our lives and into future generations.
The Jets Team is a team of like minded realists who are building a team of people using virtual online affiliate and network marketing products and opportunities to secure a solid and enduring financial future for people around the world.
The reason we begin with the Empower Network, is because it teaches us how to use the internet to market the products and opportunity, build teams and earn a living residual income with the fewest sales of any business in the industry.
Being a member of this team doesn’t limit you, it frees you to travel, to live where you want, to do what you love and to be with who you want to be with.
That is my vision for our future, not this year, not next year, but for the next 10, 20, 30 and years into the future.
The Jets Team, to get you there fast and in first class!