Problems: If you don’t have any you will find some.


Life is hard.

Is that true?


Do we make it true?

One thought that occupied my mind growing up was inspired by how proud people seemed about the problems they had. It seemed like there was a contest to prove that I have more problems than you. Whether it is all of the "I've gotta go to work" or "Dealing with the kids " or things like complaining about all of the problems there were doing taxes and keeping things up. I was always thinking..."Well, if you didn't see everything as a problem you wouldn't have any."

But, when I look at myself I realize that I do the same damn thing. I find problems with everything. It is almost as if I think there is some sort of award given to people who can come up with the most reasons why something is an issue. It is a very bad habit I must kick because having a "problem" with so many things that you see as being wrong with the world isn't only exhausting it also leads to nowhereland. All that it gets you is depressed, angry, and tired of life. This has got to stop.

Another thing I do is project on others what I think they will have a problem with me or whatever it is I am doing. I know this because I do it too, even though I try my best not to poke holes in people's ideas. I know how discouraging it can be.

Somehow I grew up in a society where people loved poking holes in ideas because of all of the reasons why it wouldn't work. It is true. Doing something 'differently' will bring with it things that have to be solved. Duh. But, that is how things develop in the world. The vision, the work, the fulfillment.

Existing in a world of problems that are created in your mind dismantles everything you try to do.

But, here is the thing...

I don't have any problems...really. Most people don't.

We live in a society that is better than any other time that went before. I mean, look, no matter what your situation is... you are still in the freaking USA. There are much worse places to be. Seriously...if you are stuck at the airport are stuck in an airport with heating and cooling, restrooms, water, and just about everything you need until whatever is keeping you there stops. Most of the time, whatever problems we are having, we are having them in the closest thing to paradise that exists.

Save your distress for real problems. When they come it will require a lot of strength, but until then...don't sweat the small stuff. It is almost all of it "Small Stuff".

Now let's see if I can break myself of this habit.