What are you worth to the world? The sum of all the gifts you share with the world. It is easy to believe that what we are is of little value to the world a
Back to the Beginning
It is back to the beginning for this blog!
Well, there has been a lot of different ways to blog for Boredom to Brilliance, but I am going to use this platform
Cool! We can still use this blog!
Wow! I am so glad the ENV2 is still accessable!
The Empower Network came out with the new Kalatu Blogging System and I really like it, but I had written so muc
Where are you going?
If you don’t have a destination, just going ambiguously through life is actually torture.
Here – YOU sell it!
YOU sell it! Passing the buck is the #1 avoidance technique. ”I do this or I do that, but I don’t sell. I’ll do it, but you sell it for me, okay?” How many times have you seen this? Here – YOU sell it! It is what 98% of people…
Conquering the Resistance to Sales
Much of what holds people back is their resistance to sales I was playing a board game the other day and we were asked to mention the topic we wanted to think about during the game. I decided to pick the topic to improve my skill at being a sales…
2 Thrilling Videos from James Brown and Pavarotti, and Queen's Bohemian Rhapsody
Sing like there is no tomorrow…cause there isn’t!
A Powerful Book About Getting Stronger In Yourself
Strength is not an option. It is a necessity!
Internet Automatic Residual Income Formula
The One Sure-Fire Way to Make an Internet Automatic Residual Income The internet is a vast ocean of opportunity but the question is how can you make your own secure island in the middle of it? The answer is through building a business based on commissions from subscriptions and…