(My posts are merely thought experiments and not to be taken as if I firmly believe or think what it is I am writing. It is an experiment. I reach no conclusions.) When you grow up in the Southern Baptist religion Christmas is a very important time of year. Add…
Category: Spirituality
Life’s Purpose: Accomplish something.
(My posts are generally a “Thought Experiment” so don’t take everything I say as if I mean any of it. It is just random thoughts recorded to be sorted out. It is a way to reason out things.” “What gives your life purpose?” This was a question posed during a…
Altered Perspective: How some of the things I used to like now kind of make me cringe.
This article is really more about exploring a topic than stating facts so the exercise is one more of just trying to put down on ‘paper’ the thoughts and feelings about things in my life that I can’t seem to quite grasp. So…off we go… For some odd reason I…
Try Polyanna Level Positivity and Helen Keller’s Optimism
Something has to change and I think it is me. I have to do something I haven’t ever done. I want to recondition my brain and my spirit. I want to wash out all of the bad influences in my life no matter how much it hurts. This means turning…
The Now: The Final Escape
Lately I have been challenged by the feeling that I don’t really ‘belong’ anywhere and that regardless of where I may go or what I could possibly do would ever give me the since of solidity of place and time that I seem to feel I am missing. But, whenever…
Outsmarting God: The Tangled Web of Enlightenment and The Mind
Outsmarting God and the tangled web of enlightenment. It is all a mental exercise, a kind of spiritual searching that causes confusion and leads to a certain kind of insanity. I am especially prone to overthinking things. People always say how I “live in my head” too much. I agree…
Faith and Works: The Evidence for Parallel Realms
Inspired by the sermon yesterday by Mark’s pastor Micheal Norton in his discussion about “Faith and Works”. I have a long-held philosophy about the arguments that get bantered around between the existence of the spiritual realm and the physical world we are so tied to. In fact, these…
The Integrity of the Personal Sphere and the Need to be Accepted by Society
(Disclaimer: I write early in the morning in a half sleep. The ideas written below are spontaneous and are all on some sort of journey towards the truth. I reserve the right to be wrong, to make mistakes, and to adjust my views at any time in the future for…
Dream On! Personal inspiration is the main power in life. But, have you stopped dreaming?
Have you lost your ability to be inspired by your dreams? I have gotten up in the morning and asked myself that question many times over the past 10 years ”What the heck am I doing?” What am I fighting for? If nothing seems to come to mind then…
Series: Parallel Universes – The Spirit World and the Real World
When you can let go of your ego and your false sense of importance, maybe then you can begin to understand the spiritual realm.