This article is really more about exploring a topic than stating facts so the exercise is one more of just trying to put down on ‘paper’ the thoughts and feelings about things in my life that I can’t seem to quite grasp. So…off we go… For some odd reason I…
Category: Timothy Simpson

Society is not moving forward, technology is.
When you take a good long look at the progress of technology and the progress of the human race there is a disconnect which doesn’t make any sense. In times of great technological advancement you’d think that the quality of life on earth for the human race would increase and…

Try Polyanna Level Positivity and Helen Keller’s Optimism
Something has to change and I think it is me. I have to do something I haven’t ever done. I want to recondition my brain and my spirit. I want to wash out all of the bad influences in my life no matter how much it hurts. This means turning…

Problems: If you don’t have any you will find some.
Life is hard. Is that true? Or Do we make it true? One thought that occupied my mind growing up was inspired by how proud people seemed about the problems they had. It seemed like there was a contest to prove that I have more problems than you. Whether it…

The Seductive Power of Negativity Versus the Transformative Power of Positivity
There is a choice to be made in life. Either we choose to have an attitude of positivity and enjoy life or be sad forever by harboring bitter feelings of negativity. Attitude is everything. When I walked into the classrooms when I was teaching in the university the first thing…

It isn’t fair: Success and Failure in the Arts
Listen to this article here. The link will open in a new window. The major problem with going into the “Arts” is that there is no guarantee that you can make a good living doing it. Whether you practice six hours a day, get a doctorate from a renowned…

The Now: The Final Escape
Lately I have been challenged by the feeling that I don’t really ‘belong’ anywhere and that regardless of where I may go or what I could possibly do would ever give me the since of solidity of place and time that I seem to feel I am missing. But, whenever…

Commitment: My greatest weakness…or is it?
Commitment is a heavy word to me. It is something I have struggled with all of my life. It isn’t so much that I didn’t believe in what I was committed to but rather that I have “Shiny Object Syndrome.” The inability to focus on one thing is really a…

Investing in America: Why so many don’t do it and that is why people stay poor.
Investing in America: Why so many don’t do it and why they stay poor. Any financial advisor will tell you: “Pay yourself first”. But, what does that mean? It means to “Invest in your own business.” What does that mean? It means to take a portion of your income, no…

What should we talk about in public or for public consumption?
What should we talk about in public or for the public? This is one of those topics that is more of a thought experiment than it is a statement of opinion. Today there are many ways to express yourself publicly. Just like this blog, social media, and the ability to…