The Challenge Of Taking Command Of My Life

The Challenge Of Taking Command Of My Life

The testimony offered here is the result of a discovery I have made about myself and by it’s resolution I will be able to retake command of my life. It is not a testimony of pride but of humility.

Out of literally years of misunderstanding and struggle I have come to realize that my experience this past decade has been a volley between success and utter devastation. As much as I think that I have demonstrated responsibility for myself, I really haven’t, and that is a difficult thing to own up to.

I now realize that in my attempt to try and whip myself together through admitting I have a faulty character it would somehow jerk me out of my situation and get me going on the straight and narrow. I guess I figured that as long as I take full blame, then that would somehow excuse it. Sort of a self-judge and jury so no one else can judge me. What I was actually doing is making a long list of excuses why things turned out the way they were. After all, if I really had as bad a character as I was telling myself, then failure is your next drinking buddy. But, that isn’t true. Our character is flawless, but we tend to live the lie that it isn’t.

The truth is sometimes hard to accept because it doesn’t give us room for escape. It seems this truth applies to everyone and is maybe something that far too few understand.

I was born with the strength of character to command my life.

You are invited to copy and paste that statement for your own use.

It disturbs me to look back over the past 10 years and think that practically everything I thought and said to myself was a lie, a big fat, self-serving, excuse seeking avoidance behavior fib. It is not an unnatural thing to do…either people are blaming themselves, accompanied by a nicely suffered guilt trip, or blaming everything but themselves for it and totally giving their fate into the power of others, who quite frankly don’t want it, don’t have time for it or have the strength to endure it!

Our true nature is being a strong commander to ourselves. No more excuses and no more whining. The only thing that counts in life are results, not actions, not trying, and not well-meaning feeble attempts.

Either you play to win or don’t play. You won’t always win. A loss is also a result. It is impossible to win or lose if you aren’t actually playing the game and the only way to play the game is to play as hard as you can with the best of your ability and leave it all on the field. Words like ”I tried”, ”I’m not good enough”, ”I can’t” or ”they have this or that advantage” sap you of your strength and erode your own empowerment.

Taking Command Of Fear

Fear gives me strength because without it courage would be impossible. It isn’t easy to take command of courage, but it is much more effective than focusing on fear.

Mediocrity is believing a lie about yourself that you are anything less than awesome. It is easier to believe in mediocrity than to have to live up to awesomeness.

When I hear people complaining about not having enough money, about how much things cost or that taxes are too high, what they are really saying is, I can make more money but I am not going to do it because it is too hard and I can’t do this or that to get it done.  Is it clear how all of the excuses, complaining and blaming have a dis-empowering affect on people because it takes the control out of their hands and places it in the hands of others. That is a sure ticket to frustration and a life of wondering why it is a struggle.

People who are happy with where they are, what they are doing and don’t complain or blame for a certain lack here or there are still underachieving their potential, but since they are congruent with their position and accept it as good then they are in command of their life and to be commended.

Taking command of your life means making decisions, surrounding yourself with the right people, strategic planning, execution of plans and evaluation of results. It is a posture and an attitude of certainty and committing to things fully or not at all, whatever they maybe.

Everything around you is a reflection of how you have been commanding your life. Either you are the general that leads an army, or the innocent bystander being swallowed by worldly conflict.

The influence that the Empower Network is having on my life is astounding. As I listen to and work with leaders in this company, they are changing the way I feel about myself, my relationship to money and I feel truly empowered by it. Just the fact that I am blogging and doing a video everyday is testimony to the commitment I have made to this endeavor and to leading other people to a fountain of prosperity that they would otherwise have no way to realize. To find out more about this awesome opportunity, step up, take charge and click here to get the information you need.


Anthony Robbins quoted General Schwarzkopf as saying, ”Nothing gets better until you tell the truth.” The truth is, you are awesome. Live it!