Complaining is an attitude. It is a bad attitude and if you want to be miserable go ahead and complain. It will destroy your world and the lives of everyone around you. It brings nothing but negativity and suffering.
Guess what? The world isn't perfect. Duh!
The sooner you realize that the better off you will be.
"I know I ask perfection from a far imperfect world, and am fool enough to think that's what I'll find."
The Carpenters (not sure who wrote it)
Guess what? Complaining solves no problems.
Complaining is like a baby crying only without the crying, but the effect it has on others is just as annoying as a baby crying loudly and uncontrollably. It gets on people's nerves and even worse, it makes you feel worse as well. So, why do it?
This article is as much about myself than anybody else. When writing posts like these it is always wise to look in the mirror. Who am I? What kind of person am I? Who do I want to be? How do I want my life to be? I'm quite sure complaining isn't high on anyone's list of character attributes to shoot for in life.
Complaining sort of makes people feel defensive because it is as if the complainer is asking you to solve their complaint for them and you can't. Why? Because you can't change the isness of a given situation. It is out of your control but you always have the feeling like you should solve it somehow. You can complain about any number of things but will that change anything? It just makes you feel bad and spreads the feeling around to those who didn't ask for your two cents worth on a topic that you most likely have no control over.
The incessant whining is so annoying to me. No, everything isn't great, but neither is everything wrong, or awful just because it isn't right.
There are areas in my life that I really have to take a self test on when it comes to complaining because it is ruining my happiness in a big way. Whether it is the way sports are being played today, how the officiating in games are gone, or politics, interpersonal relationships, or taxes and illness. If a musical production doesn't agree with my sense of how it should be I have a tendency to complain about it, and that isn't productive for me or anyone else. No amount of vomiting your own displeasure all over the world around you will purge yourself of this sick feeling inside.
As the saying goes, it is much easier to remove the splinter in someone else's eye than it is to remove the log in your own. It is easy to think you can 'fix' someone else, but the hardest thing to do is to fix yourself and so complaining is simply not part of having a good character.
I write these posts off the cuff. I don't research much nor do I go to a lot of trouble to dive deeper in any subject. I just do it to get my thoughts out of my mind and onto paper.