Dealing with adversity is best done by talking with the parties that matter.

Dealing With Adversity Means Talking To The Right People

This week I witnessed one of the most inspiring conversations I have ever heard. 

A crisis, affecting literally thousands of people, rumors being spread and misunderstandings and hurt feelings being aired on a public forum without the full story, was breaking out and the damage was beginning to spread.

Then the leader gets everyone together to listen to the parties who are actually at the center of the issue get on the call and clear the air for everyone, point out important facts and details so everyone understands what is going on.

A huge crisis was detered. It was a display of men acting like mature human beings and dealing with serious issues.

I was very impressed by this and it makes me wonder why problems everywhere can’t be handled that way. But, it takes the right people doing the right thing, and there isn’t so much of that around. 

So, to the men who were willing to open themselves up to everyone, I applaud you! Thanks….that is integrity, leadership an professionalism at its highest.