Using the power of the arts to create a beautiful life.
I Wrote This Book To Empower Artists Or Anyone Who Is Out To Uncover Their Mission
Writing a book is not difficult, marketing a book is and the book I have written is all about empowering artists and anyone who is in search of a defining mission in life. But, in my education and experience, marketing was totally left out of the picture. To be honest, marketing is not about being pushy or loud or obnoxious, marketing is simply throwing up a flare in the midst of the storm of distractions and noise to say…..
”Hey people, listen to me!”
Now I Am Empowering Artists By Helping Them Get Their Message Seen, Heard and Felt
Now all of this is new ground for me. Marketing to the entire world through the internet is a daunting challenge. But, it gives the artist an opportunity to market themselves worldwide. It is a new era in being an artist and you see it all over the internet. Empowering artists with the Empower Network serves a dual purpose: One is that while they are in the process of learning how to market it is possible to earn a substantial income by building a business with the Empire Network. Not only that, through building a team you automatically create and audience for your art. It is a total Win – Win situation.
The greatest aspect is, you can do it when and where you want, leaving the artist the time and freedom to practice their art to it’s fullest extent. So, regardless of where an artist or anyone is in their career, learning the lessons taught by this information and how to market yourself, you can also build a supplemental or primary income. It beats the heck out of waiting tables and taking every job that comes down the pike.
Artists Are Entrepreneurs – Most just don’t know how to be one. This is why many struggle… and today there is no reason to.
Empowering Artists Is My Mission
There are artistically talented people the world over. Empowering artists around the world cannot be done with one person. It can only be done with teamwork, working together with common goals. To be an artist is a high calling and takes an incredible amount of dedication. Artists deserve to be paid well and the Empower Network can make that possible. (Results are obviously not guaranteed… affiliates make money based solely on the products that they and their organization sells. Click here and see the income disclaimer of the Empower Network)
When writing this book I realized that there was one area I didn’t have solved, and that was how I can give a real solution to artists and people’s financial issues and I had worked out many different ideas. So when I came across the Empower Network I realized I had found the way to do it.
One thing I wanted to do with Boredom to Brilliance is to sell subscriptions to a newsletter for say $10 a month, but I didn’t want people to lose money doing that, I wanted to find a way so that I would make money and so could everyone else. When I saw the Compensation Plan for the Empower Network is said ”Bingo! This is it!” Pure genius really!
So, I believe in my mission, I believe in the power of the Empower Network’s mission to make a living and enjoy it too, and I believe in the Arts above just about anything else.
I had been searching long and hard for a way to create revenue for artists and artistic organizations so that they can grow and blossom and not have to worry about money, but really be able to create freely. This is the perfect tool to do it….check it out HERE! Enter your Email and watch the presentation and for $25 you are good to go!