Experience Your Dreams Before They Come To Pass

Dreams, the type that you have while you are asleep, are often so close to reality that you actually feel as if what you dreamed happened. 

You wake up with a cold sweat from having run from some insects, or you feel like you have been on a romantic getaway with someone from your distant past or even someone you don’t even know.

Dreams are sensed by the mind and the body as reality.

Why do we pass off this fact of life as if it is just a part of being alive?  We forget that this phenomenon is proof that your dreams can come alive in your life even if they haven’t happened yet.

Developing a vision for the year to come is to create a dream so vivid in your being that you are transformed inside. It moves you to do things far above what you would normally do.

As a kid I had absolutely no problem with having dreams. It was easy to dream of something big and have it excite me. These dreams are so important, but unfortunately we are taught somewhere along the line that they are foolish, or unattainable or simply the wrong dreams to have.

Somewhere along the way life has taken my ability to dream away. It is the type of theft that is inexcusable. 

But, I can’t blame anyone else for it, I allowed life to talk me out of my dreams to the point that I can barely even dream at all today.

I am working to claim that youthful sense of dreaming, and to develop a vision so clear and so grand that it fills me with hope and inspiration which can give me the energy to fulfill it.

This New Year dare to dream a dream big and clear enough that you feel it inside your soul.

Have a great 2014!