Keeping Your Own Council

In today's world of social media and the tendency to show your colors openly to the world the result is that there are a lot of people siding one way or the other with ideologies and philosophies the are closest to the ideas that a person has themself. Statements are made and conflicts are created based on an imaginary scale from right to left. Thus all who participate in the openness of personal opinion through social media platforms and in the world in general by talking about how you feel about things as if it is all an open book, are being forced into a situation where they get pigeonholed into a certain ideology, and eventually begin to subscribe to that ideology.
I find this situation very unhealthy for our country and our way of life.
How do I "identify"?
Am I straight, gay, LGBTQSXYZABC+- or what? Am I left or am I right? Am I liberal or am I conservative? Am I a racist or if not what am I? Am I a Christian? Do I believe in God? Do I follow Jesus, Muhammed or Buddha?
Am I a Republican or a Democrat or do I "Identify" as an Independent? How far am I willing to go for my political leanings? Is someone pulling my strings to get me to follow a certain path or am I my own person?
I'll tell you how I am seeing things right now and here they are.
We aren't all as different as all of this wants to say we are. But, why are we being led around by the nose by powers that may be or even may not be? Are there conspiracies or aren't there? I have a hard time believing that people can be so inherently evil as many claim people are in all of the conspiracy theories that can be manufactured by people who are actually are in the business of building conspiracies to recruit "believers and followers". It is craziness.
All you have to do today to create "A following" is to create a conspiracy theory that infuses people with enough "fear" that they will buy in to the frankly "BULLSHIT" that is being published on a grand scale throughout the world.
What is happening is that the battlefield is being fogged over by the confusion of all of this and that whatever forces that exist are searching for a way to consolidate power by creating followers to their manufactured and perceived conspiracy theories.
This is EXACTLY the situation the Founding Fathers of the USA were wanting to prevent. But, they made one false assumption...that people were always going to be about fighting for the individual freedom of the common human being.
Today more than Ever: Keep your own council.
Personally, I have come to the conclusion that it does no good to openly express my views about politics, religion, sexual orientation, relationships or financial matter in the public realm. If I am going to express something it will not be related to some cheap ideology of the moment produced by some group, but will be my convictions about principles that I care about. I am not going to jump into a debate on any of the popular hot button topics that exist because they are fleeting and transitory. They will come today and be gone tomorrow.
My "Wish" on the population!
If I could make a wish it would be that everyone "Shut UP!". Stop jumping on a bandwagon. Stop joining or believing in any "one person" or "one philosopy" or "one politic". Stop sharing your views on everything with everyone as if you assume they agree with you. Stop siding with things, drinking the Koolaide, stop joining stuff.
Because you have your own mind. You don't need to speak the speak. You don't have to prove yourself to anyone.
The most important part about life was reflected in the aftermath of the Bowling Green tornado of December 12, 2021. After the tornado nobody was asking what your political, religious, economic ideas would have been.
The Tornado Levels the Playing Field.
You see, after the Tornado it no longer mattered who who was, what party they were a part of, where they went to church, who they loved, nor from where they came. People were in trouble and a lot of people helped from every part of the political/religious/racial spectrum. People became humans again.
Stop answering questions.
I'm actually sick of being asked: "Are you a liberal or conservative?"; "Are you a Democrat or Republican?"; "Do you follow Jesus?"; "Are you a communist or a capitalist?" "Do you wear a mask to fight Covid?"; "Did you get vaccinated?"; "Are you boostered?" "Are you straight, gay, trans, identify as, or what are you?"
My answer to these questions is one simple answer: "It is my business and no one else needs to know." I'm not playing that game anymore and in my opinion neither should you. Nor should anyone expect others to agree or support any stance other than the fact that it is agreed that you have a right to have yours. It cannot be expected from any type of philosophy that others understand it much less participate in it. It is unreasonable to expect the world to cater to our little special need.
What I believe.
My vote is cast at the ballot box. My vote is anonymous. Nobody can see who I vote for and the reason it was created to be done that way is so that citizens would be able to freely vote their conscience without the pressure of influence of those who would expect you to vote a certain way. In my view when anyone asks you who you voted for you should say "It is none of your business." I just voted in a protected voting booth were my vote was cast anonymously, why would I forfeit this honor by telling everyone who I voted for? Doing that is actually "unconstitutional" against your right to express yourself without someone watching you constantly.
To me all of this joining militias and joining this or that is a merely an attempt to socialize and be in with a certain group because you become accepted by like minded people. Do you really want to be like minded with people? Take a good look at the people you are wanted to be "Like minded with".
We must remain individuals and not identify with any certain group.