I'm turning my back on social media. Now, that I have stayed off for a couple of days I realize how much noise there is on it. I don't have a television nor do I watch much in terms of programming on streaming. In a way, I am turning off all of the noise that exists in the world. For all of the positive possibilities these mediums provide, the end result is just noise.
I'm rather sick of it. The political pounding, the constant barrage of advertising, and the sensation blitz that is thrown at you in the media. What does it get me? Nothing. Does my two cents worth add anything to any discussion. No.
I've sort of lost my way in terms of what I want to do moving forward. Right now I am focusing on getting a lot of sleep, eating well, exercising, and just detox from the world.
I don't know where all of this will take me. Hopefully to becoming a better, healthier, and happier person because right now I am not thrilled with my situation or the world around me. The only person who can fix it is me.