Play your ace card and win!
Winning means learning to play your ace card
Learning to play your ace card is so important in life… I was playing a card game with my mother the other night and her hand was full of aces, and was constantly drawing aces, the wild card of this game, and she kept her ace card on top of her other cards, preventing them from coming into play, which is the object of the game. By saving her ace card she prevented the other cards from being played, and although I had the weaker hand, I still won, because she was saving that one ace for some reason.
The ace card in life is what makes a person special. In order to stand out and be different in the kaleidoscope of personalities in the world, it is important to know what your ace card is, what makes you unique, to develop and become skilled in your specialty. It is so important to learn to be confident and proud of your ace card, to show it to the world and to share it with the world. When you play your ace card you free up the rest of your personality and talents to come into play. Your ace card uncovers the depth of your life’s possibilities, it doesn’t limit them.
Good examples of people who have known how to ‘play your ace card’
There are many examples of people who have learned to play their ace card and have been successful in many ways. For some reason Earvin ”Magic” Johnson comes to mind here. As a basketball icon, he had a great impact on the way the game of basketball was played. He had a very successful career, ended suddenly by the HIV virus. He didn’t go into hiding and wilt away, no, he stood up, campaigned for HIV prevention and cure, used his basketball fortune to build businesses and is an obvious authority on basketball in the media as well as an inspiration to many in the world. His ace card was his basketball talent, but he didn’t let the end of his basketball career, end his life. He used his ace card and played it liberally, to create his future and due to that has been able to affect the lives of many people.
Play your ace card and impact the world around you
Obviously not everyone is built to be a public figure, and many people are reluctant, with good reason, to be involved in social media or to stand up publicly for any certain issue. The salt of the earth folks, those who do the work and take care of their business are vital to the success of the world and without them nothing much would get done at all. Their ace card is consistency, dependability and duty. These are the people on which society hangs it’s hat, and they need to be recognized and held high in people’s estimation. When these people ”play your ace card” they do it in small, almost hidden ways, but the cumulative effect is great. These unsung heroes don’t clamor for fame and fortune and are happy to fill their mission in life, which is the highest of callings, to be a productive member of society, doing what they do best.
These folks do not get enough accolades in the world today and the economic system should do everything it can to enable these people to become financially successful. These are the folks that need to have every advantage in the world of tax breaks, because they are the ones doing the bears work of society. Sure, you could argue that they need to learn the entrepreneurial way, but to be honest, our educational system simply does not teach that, and so most are ill prepared, nor aware of it. Society needs these folks and it needs to exalt them.
To play your ace card means to bring to the world the best you have to offer with the deepest sincerity of your soul. The most difficult thing to understand is that when you do this you will not find agreement, support or even favor with many people. Your views may step on other’s toes, it may cause folks to even hate you. To the degree that you find favor you will also discover criticism. For those who need to tell a story, proliferate ideas and make statements, the road will never be a smooth one.
Even in this blogging process, I feel the insecurity of knowing that my views may rub folks the wrong way. No doubt that some of what I write may be seen as wrong to the people closest to me. The fact that the blogging platform is designed as a marketing tool to make money may seem suspect to many people. Not everything I write will be accurate or even, in time, something I myself agree with. But, if you are afraid to play your ace card and open yourself up to the world then really, what is life’s experience worth? Telling your story, sharing your opinions and experiences with the world provokes new discussions and makes people see the world a little differently.
It isn’t about being right or wrong, to play your ace card means to lay your imperfect soul on the line and contribute to the palette of the worlds colorful spectrum of personalities.
Are we zombies? Are we cloned? Are we sheep that simply follow the leader and without one are lost? Are we conforming to the world or are we forming the world with our passions and spirit? What is your ace card? What do you love? What do you care about? Who cares? What is your platform? Do you have a voice? Does life have meaning, or is the meaning of life simply living without the expression of your soul?
I didn’t intend to write this directing you to look into the Empower Network, but I will say this. The Empower Network is about finding your voice, your story, sharing it with the world. Being authentic with your life, telling your story, the truth and being involved in a movement that not only gives you a platform to broadcast yourself but also the most powerful compensation on the internet, so average people who have something in their hearts to express can, and make a solid income and live a lifestyle they deserve. Learning how to market whatever you want, to who ever you want where ever you want is a powerful tool, and in today’s world of the internet and social media can change lives all over the world.
So I stand up for the Empower Network because I believe in it’s mission and it fits 100% with the mission of Boredom to Brilliance, which is, to use the deepest spiritual substance that a person has to create or manifest a beautiful life.
To look into this brilliant business simply click on the banner above, enter your email, it comes to me only, and watch the film. Who knows maybe you will learn something!
Have a great day!
Please look at the Empower Network Income Disclaimer Here! It is a business, so there is no guarantee of income, but the potential is amazing!