Spontaneous Thoughts of the Morning: Content Creation

Hi there. Good morning. This is Timothy Simpson

And today I want to talk about writing what you want to say before you say it. Uh And how writing is really the best way to organize your thoughts and to think through of ideas that you have and thoughts that you have on something. And as a way to get off of your chest actually what you have to write about or think about or to say and what I find important here is and especially what I love about this video email program is I can make videos obviously with it but it also creates a transcript for me so that I can take what I said and have it in print form and then just insert it into my blog and then I can attach my video to my blog and it will have exactly what I said.

00:58 Now I know that you know like other things do that too but this seems to be very accurate. Um And it seems to be less complicated. It does take a couple of minutes before the transcript is ready but I'm willing to wait those couple of minutes to have that done.
01:18 And so when creating you know people worry about making enough words uh for a blog post to make an impact upon the internet and to use keywords and stuff like that during your uh blog you know if you can just talk to it and it will create a a dialogue or a a monologue type of text so that people read a stream of consciousness. And you know I think a lot of times that when I read Tony Robbins I might be wrong about this but I believe what he does is he records his books right? He speaks and then he records it and then he has what he says transcribed.
02:06 So he just goes off on a certain topic and that gets transcribed and he puts it in a book form. So he actually probably I mean what I can tell never really writes. Uh and I I sort of know this because you know I bought one of his products way back when the uh and uh with the books and everything.
02:30 So that is basically a product with the CD of his recordings plus the text to his recordings which turns out to be his books. And so it's not a bad idea and no telling where he gets his information from. He probably this is what you would call syndicating your uh your content.
02:53 And that's what I really like about the idea is that you can take what you say and I'm just talking extemporaneously here this morning and and publish it and it's a basically a transcript of what you said. And of course then you can edit what you've said in the transcript to make it more concise or to do whatever if you have an editor to correct for grammar or spelling mistakes and that sort of thing or you can do that yourself or let uh let a online program grammarly or something like that check your grammar. But essentially you know the things that are becoming available online are crazy now with especially I think with the advent of A I and I what I think is really important going forward especially in in respect to A I is to use A I to make us better but not to let to not let us use.
03:50 Uh let us take let it take away our um spontaneous voice. You know when I hear people when people call and I sometimes I'm not sure if it's a real person talking nowadays or if it's an A computer because either it's a real person who has a script who sounds very robotic and their microphone is sound activated. So it sort of turns off and on.
04:20 So it's like listens and then when it talks it it clicks it on you hear background noise and it clicks off. So you know you're not quite sure if you're talking to a real person or to a machine. And in the future a lot of times it's going to be a machine.
04:38 So um you know that's just the way it's going. But we can use this technology to get our voice out and to say that yes this is really me talking and not some A I computer program creating this content. So what I think is really important for the world is that people keep the uh reality of their own voice and the truth in their own voice for what they say and what they think at the moment.
05:06 Um So all of my recordings like this sort of become a chain of thoughts that are reactive to what I just said and bring up other thoughts. So it's sort of like I digress it's a long digression. It may be boring to listen to which is fine.
05:27 Uh You don't have to listen to it but I also want people to understand that I wanna have fun while I am speaking. I wanna have fun in my conversations. I want to be able to think freely.
05:42 Uh and what is thinking freely mean it means saying things that might be incorrect. It could be saying things that are wrong. It could be even saying things that aren't true.
05:57 And then when I go back and reflect and when you have a written record of what you've said you can go back and analyze and look at what you said and you can correct it and say no that's not right after I've thought about this for a while. I need to you know edit my thoughts and edit my spontan spontaneity into what I really believe or what I really think. And you know what I believe and think are right today may not be right tomorrow.
06:30 Now there are certain things that should be consistent throughout life. But you know the whole point of thinking freely is to let your mind wander and to free yourself of any type of editing while you're thinking and expressing what you what you have in your heart and in your mind to say and I think that's something that's lost in our society today because every single thing we say is taken as if it's the gospel and we are often and people are judged by what they say. And I'll admit that one big problem with today's society is that nobody really listens in depth anymore.
07:12 Uh You know in the news they have reports about very important topics but they always stop a conversation and interview before you get into any kind of depth and say well we're out of time we'll have to pick this up later. And of course they never do. So you only get the surface level edited version that ends before you really get to dive deep into a certain topic.
07:40 And so you know that's why I believe that doing this sort of recording is important because it shows how you think and it it is a reflection of yourself. And if even if nobody else reads it you see how your mind works and you can evaluate what you think. So it's a very valuable tool I believe but it's also capable of you know sharing what you have in your heart and your mind to say uh this brings me to a spontaneous point.
08:15 I listen to Joel Osteen quite often because you know you can like him or dislike him for whatever reason. Um but I believe his content is very positive and if he wasn't professing to be a church he would be a very good motivational speaker. And that's really what I believe.
08:35 The point of the gospel is the good news is that to you're telling good news you you're giving people positive input and you're telling people positive things about themselves that are true. Right? That's not that's not a falsehood.
08:54 Um However within that rubric it's just like everything else out there that I hear from uh thought leaders per S E they everybody is telling you what to do and you're looking for somebody to tell you what to do. But it's always um sort of nebulous in a way. Um What I mean by that is one of the the searching things that I have for myself is I don't really understand business.
09:33 That's one thing that I've looked for in my uh in my search for you know how to make a business work. And I know that the business is basically one thing. It is sales right?
09:55 It is providing something for people that they want and you'll be able to earn a profit from what you are selling because people are buying it with money. Which this whole topic takes me down a whole list of things you know but for me looking for information about uh how to be good at business. Uh you always get this whole list of seven habits of highly effective people and all these things.
10:30 But none of that really tells you how to make sales. And I've I've also read I mean Jordan Belfort's book you know Wolf of Wall Street. Uh and it's a very simple thing and it's also the same thing that my friends who are in sales who are actually very successful sales people say is the secret to sales is give people what they want and or what they need.
10:55 You know it's like you don't sell the drill you sell the hole in the wall. People need to be able to put a hole in the wall so they need to drill. That's that's how this works.
11:04 Right. People don't need a pen they need to be able to write something if they don't have a pen. Well you have a pen that they can buy and they can write with it.
11:15 So that's the basis of sales. And I understand that. So um but what amazes me is is how how businesses today are interesting you know it's um like one thing that's in the United States that's come to Kentucky as well as you know other places you've seen it before on sitcoms and stuff is that there's a large Indian population people from India or the uh what I would call not even the Middle East the far east.
11:59 Well India Pakistan Afghanistan that that area the stands and India those areas Sri Lanka whatever. Uh they own these gas stations that have convenience stores in them and you know you can buy pizza and sandwiches and coffee and all this stuff. They're really nice.
12:19 I really like them. They're new and they're they're shiny and uh they have all the products you want they serve you know meals and stuff. Uh but I always wonder why is it that all of these things are being owned by Indians?
12:32 You know it seems like maybe I'm wrong about that but it certainly seems that way. Or people from that section of the world and I've stayed at hotels that are also that way. They they bought these they run these businesses and they do a pretty good job with it.
12:47 They're clean it seems. And uh you know around here anyway I you know I can't speak for other sections of the country but um you know they're basically just it's a store is a place that you have everything that people want and they just go in and buy it and because you have a lot of things then you have a fairly high success rate and everything in that store is basically non perishable except for the fresh food that's there. So you can have it on the shelf for a long time and you know it'll sell at some point.
13:20 Um so you know but that's a business that is doesn't really need any philosophy per S e you know it's not a it's not a business like a thought business like what I'm doing or you know that sort of thing. Um so you're providing products that people want for a a little bit higher price because of its convenience right? That's what that is.
13:53 And so you know my job as a business and the thing is about business is this and this is something that um is that that is true. Ok. So having a business means that you're working a lot harder than you are than if you're working for a business as an employee.
14:15 If the business is yours you're working 24 7. If you're an employee you might think about the business when you're outside of the business. But you don't really and you don't really care you know you do care about you the business that you work for whatever it is that you work for of course but it's not your baby and you're not responsible for it.
14:35 You're just responsible for doing work in in the business and businesses are looking for people to do that kind of work who will do the work and and take an interest in their pride in their business. But at the end of the day it's not their business. So it's not the same level.
14:52 Whereas if you are the business owner you're responsible for everything that happens in that business and also its employees its customers its products the accounting the legal there's so many things that go into business. It's a it's a huge deal to go into business. Of course it depends on which business you're in.
15:12 How big a deal it is how many employees you have you know how many products you have how complicated it is. I mean you know when you think about of the online business with like Amazon or any type of business that has accounting I mean the accounting for Amazon and Walmart and any type of big box store or any any store really. I mean I was at an Ace hardware store yesterday and I was looking for something to you know hang pictures on the wall and another customer is looking for a screw and a washer or something.
15:49 And the great thing about m uh Ace hardware is they sell individual screws right? You can buy everything individual you don't have to buy the whole package which is really wonderful. I love Ace Hardware.
16:01 But I said I said man this must be a nightmare at inventory time because yeah it takes us three weeks to do inventory on this store and the the store is not big right. But they have a million screws. Of course they have some sort of a machine that helps them count screws.
16:21 But still you have to take it out of the wall and put it in the machine so it can count. It's it's just really a big deal. So being a business owner is is uh is a huge responsibility and it's it really is you can say being an entrepreneur is better than being a business.
16:40 Uh being an employee. But I'm not so sure it is. You know um you know you because it's your responsibility you you either make money or you don't.
16:51 And uh it's just a lot. So you can see how my freewheeling thoughts go forward and this is the way my mind works. So I'm gonna stop this video.
17:03 I want to see how long it takes to make this transcript. And that's my thoughts for this Sunday morning. All right.
17:08 Bye bye.