Starving Artist Finds His Best Sponsor

A starving artist finds his best sponsor is himself.

How is that possible? Well, he gets smart and learns the art of marketing or better said, that unless people have heard about you your art doesn’t get very far.  It may be nice to have created all of those masterpieces, hid them in the cellar and died in poverty but maybe it would be better to enjoy life while you are creating your masterpieces.  Today it is possible.

You Don’t Have To Be a Starving Artist in Today’s World

Even artists who are working and making a living struggle to make ends meet.  For singers, actors and dancers especially it is expensive to be always taking lessons, travelling to auditions and keeping your image in good condition.  Running the rat race of teaching lessons, working temp jobs and waiting tables while trying to build a career, have a life and simply have enough money to live on is a stressful endeavor.  Try having a family or helping loved ones and you see that it is a high calling to be an artist but a stressful one as well.

The highest paid artists do what they can to help out young singers and other causes. But, their time is limited and they are busy being artists too and they also are under pressure to keep the engagements coming in, performing at a high level, keeping relationships in gear and all of the travel and stress of balancing all of the personalities along the way.

The arts are coveted profession.  Sponsors and philanthropic people and organizations do a lot to support the arts. But, best of all would be if artists would also learn to promote themselves well.  This can then be taken over by management when you get to that level, although most of the managers and agents aren’t on top of this world either.

It is not an easy task to learn the ins and outs of marketing and it too costs money to learn these skills, so why not make money learning them and then use them to promote yourself and anything else you would like to promote. This is an area that the art organizations must get better at.

I’ll admit the term Starving Artist is stretching it a bit today. But, what I am speaking of are families who have children that don’t have money for ballet lessons for Suzie or drum lessons for Billy. They may not be able to afford to send their kids to arts schools or to college at all.  For the self determining types, learning marketing can offer a way to become independent of anyone and live at a good standard of living.

The world needs artists, and there are many out there. There isn’t a better way to spend your time than painting, dancing, singing, playing music or doing a play.  Learn to leverage your time, and your income and create a life that is one of plenty and full of beauty!

Take a look and get smart and STOP STARVING! Now!