Where Is The Train Station? Wo Ist Der Bahnhof?

You can buy those travel language books with all of the necessary phrases in it to help you navigate through foreign countries.  They are good for identifying what is on the menu, but useless actually when asking anything.

The famous German question for tourists is ”Wo ist der Bahnhof?”  Where is the train station?  This seems simple enough, but if you can’t understand the answer then there isn’t a whole lot of good in asking the question.  I have experienced this in Italy and France where it is a little more difficult to find folks who speak english, so I ask ”Dove il statione del treno?“ The answer usually comes in a flood of vowels rushing from the lips of the babe I asked!  Well, the answer sounds good, but I am still as lost as ever!

I have found that understanding what the answers for life are is the same.  You can ask a million people advice and with all of everyone’s best intentions you won’t understand the answer because you don’t speak the language.  It is impossible to understand if you don’t have the knowledge and skill to understand.  Learning a language and skills is not easy, no it is very difficult. It isn’t back breaking difficult but it is mind bending difficult.  Much of the difficulty lies in the resistance to the pain of always hitting the wall of your capabilities.  The walls that keep you in the same situation are high and thick and it is so comfortable to stay there and just exist in that world.  But, if you ever want to get out of that world, you are going to have to take a pick ax and whittle your way through that wall.

This is what the Empower Network is all about. Learning a new language, new skills, new ways of leveraging who you are and what you know to find new ways to make an income on your uniqueness.  Once you master these languages and skills then you will understand that what you have to offer and who you are are very valuable.  The only way to achieve that is to start, now, today by getting in and just start blogging, posting, learning and applying.

What I really like about the Empower Network is that there is no BS.  No ranks to be achieved, no car programs or giveaways for incentives and nobody telling you what you are allowed to do or not, as long as it is legal.  You are shown that you have to work, learn the way to do this business and you earn every penny you make. No smoke or mirrors.  The only measure of success is how much money you make, how much better your life is and how much better you can make the projects by using these skills can become.

At the end of the day, it is a lesson in how to make a good living and have a good life.

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Author of Boredom to Brilliance welcomes you to this blog and invites you to join his team!

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