There are many strategies to use in marketing, when beginning start with one easy, small, free way and then grow.
The easiest thing to do when you begin marketing is to become overwhelmed by how many different ways there are to do it.
But the fact is, if you are like me, you don’t know anyway.
So where do you start?
By doing it one way.
Pick a method and get used to it, this won’t take long as long as you make sure it is easy, simple and free.
So, step one is simply, get a lead capture page(provided by the company), promote it on social media, collect leads in an auto responder and communicate with the list by doing videos and emails sending them to the sales video.(provided by the company.)
So start small but be consistent and persistent.
If this makes sense, click here and be taken through that process and see how it works for yourself!
This is really easy! I’m sure you can do it!