Have you lost your ability to be inspired by your dreams? I have gotten up in the morning and asked myself that question many times over the past 10 years ”What the heck am I doing?” What am I fighting for? If nothing seems to come to mind then…
Tag: dreams
Simpson, Why are you blogging?
Blogging is about expressing yourself and defining your mission and your art!
Dreams, Vision and Illusion
Dreams, Vision and Illusions are Great but you must be clear on one I have a lot of ideas. I have had many dreams. It is easy for me to get a vision. But all
Experience Your Dreams Before They Come To Pass
Dreams, the type that you have while you are asleep, are often so close to reality that you actually feel as if what you dreamed happened. Use that power to for
Which dream are you willing to let burn to the ground?
I opened the door to the garage and smoke began billowing into our family room. I thought that the smoke from our chimney was somehow coming through the door to