Reactivating Facebook Account and Editing My Profile and Friends List
After some soul searching, I have decided to reactivate my Facebook account and do some h
"Being creative is enough."
Reactivating Facebook Account and Editing My Profile and Friends List
After some soul searching, I have decided to reactivate my Facebook account and do some h
Complaining about your awesome life is a huge turnoff.
It gets a little old, doesn’t it? People complaining about things in their lives that are of such insig
The Laws of Life #3 is The Law of People: Unique and Identical If there is anything in our lives that determines our lives it is the other people in our lives.
Finding your value is done best from a public platform and blogs can help you determine what is valuable about yourself.
I am not good at this at all. Yet. Goi
Think and Grow Rich Some books in the library never were meant to sit on the shelf.
I have started re-reading Think and Grow Rich and realize that it is a book
Relationship Marketing: Using a vehicle to get where you want to go.
The great thing about relationship marketing is that you build a business with people you
”Money won’t create success, the freedom to make it will.”Nelson Mandela
I was going through an Inner Circle training with Chris Record and looked him up o
Fear can become your friend in network marketing One of the problems in network marketing is that people have fear of telling people about their network market
Simple logic will tell you that it is possible to do better financially
…but so many people fear doing better financially.
Yes, it scares people to make mor
My Gift to You: The idea that turned me on, and found out, that I wasn’t alone! A couple of years ago, I wrote a book, ,