The appalling political situation in America and around the world.

"I think I must be in the wrong film."

German Saying


This is how I have felt about the direction of American politics since the Reagan administration. I attribute much of this to two factors; 1. Fox News, 2. Rush Limbaugh. Not sure which came first but both are equally as disturbing.

Before this period, politics was pretty much a civilized argument about issues. Since then, American politics has grown into a fog of confusing messages and conspiracy theories all with the effect of polarizing our society into two groupings...Liberal and Conservative. The terms almost make me want to throw up.

Today, I can't even watch the news, regardless of the source. It is all so tainted with agenda that facts take a severe back seat and more time is spent on sensationalizing personalities than it is on diving deep into facts about issues.

So no matter which outlet you choose, Fox, MSNBC, CNN or whoever else, you are on a short line of commercial based content designed to get as many viewers as possible so they can sell advertising for the highest price. With this confusion it is difficult to seperate fact from fiction, because everything is presented with bias of some kind.

However, as bad as that is, is the lack of young bright politicians with serious backgrounds and reasonable minds that are interested in serving the country. The fact that we have a geriatric ward of candidates for the White House, and so many elderly members of congress, should be a wake up call for all of us.

Biden, Trump, should both give up trying to be President. They are too old. Watching McConnell freeze up is simply a nightmare for our country, let alone state. He should resign, yesterday, and so should everyone else who is older than 70. But no, everyone is hanging on to power. It is disgusting. Not that any of the options left are desirable. It seems the only people who anyone has heard of that are running are radical nut cases to be quite frank about it. No sane person would act the way these people are acting...and I mean the lot of them.

But what is more alarming than all of that, and that is enough to freak me out, is the fact that so many otherwise completely wonderful Americans are in some sort of hypnotic trance and have lost all ability to see that the shit show must end. I'm not talking about just in reference to the Orangeman, I'm talking about all of the new congress people who have no reason to be heard except that they say all manner of stupid stuff that appeals to the braindead masses. The "Woke" crowd isn't much better. It is all such a freaking nightmare.

What everyone needs to do is to go home, get back to their normal lives and stop feeding off of the trough of sewage being feed to them from the media which includes social media, weirdo email campaigns, and underground conspiracy groups.

Government has become a kindergarten and the discussion of real issues that need to be handled prudently all get thrown into this constant bickering down the lines of polarized parties.

Is it not possible to get back to sanity? Can we not have serious people get the attention or are we to always just hear about the trainwrecks?

I have to say that I am extremely concerned about this country moving away from what has made us great, democracy, peace, intelligent people being respected and listened to, and respect for the rule of law. Sometimes I get the feeling that some are just out for personal gain and don't care what happens to the world around them. We have a sociopathic-narcassicm epidemic right now, and it is maddening.

An entire generation has passed since the Reagan administration and it seems that the long term brainwashing has taken hostage of our nation. Once you drink the Koolade, then it is easy to keep drinking it. That is where we are right now.

I don't know how to stop it. But, it must stop.