The Election and the Problems with it.

I hate politics about twice as much as religion. These two institutions cause all of the suffering in the world when they should be the very institutions that heal it. The reason both are so corrupt is greed and power and the people who are malignant carriers of this condition have no conscience whatsoever. They are monsters. 

Today there are more ways to lie, cheat, and steal than ever before in the history of mankind and there appear to be more people more than willing to use them for their benefit. It is an abomination.

How many ways there are to steal today I cannot even comprehend. I'd have to sit around and think the most evil thoughts to conjure up the possibilities. One thing that got my attention was when I saw a Facebook Ad from Tim Walz warning to make sure when you send money to a campaign, that it is going to the campaign and not to someone posing as the campaign. It could be the opposing party stealing from the candidate or simple scammers. Either way, it is probably just the tip of the iceberg. I have no doubt these things are happening but I don't know first hand.

The only political ads I see on social media because I don't watch TV, are fund-raising ads. All of the emails I get are fundraising emails. Nothing I see from the campaigns has anything to do with proposed policies, reasons why I should vote for a candidate, or any sort of other message of substance. It is ONLY about fundraising as if it is the only thing that matters anymore.

When I hear that billionaires are paying hundreds of millions of dollars to Super-Pacs you know they do it for one elect the candidate who will give them the biggest regulatory and tax breaks. How much money could be saved by this must be staggering to be willing to pay these huge sums of money to see that 'their guy' gives them what they want. It is massive corruption.

The very point of the Constitution of the United States of America is to serve the individual people who live in the country. It is the duty of those who serve to do the work of and for the people and not powerful interests, corporations, and the wealthy.

There is the story of the arsonist who is the Chief of the Fire Department. When you hire an arsonist to be the Chief of the Fire Department you know that the Chief won't protect those whose properties are about to be burned down but rather see to it that the arsonist gets away with it. It is like giving prisoners the keys to the prison. It is not a good idea. So, the idea that people would support a candidate that is the very enemy of the constitution that is elected to protect that constitution then the whole idea of individual freedoms and rights go up in literal flames. In America today, the very people who will be most hurt by this are those who rally behind the corrupt candidate with a cult-like fervor. It is insane.

However, my disappointment with the world situation doesn't end with the deterioration of the American constitution but also the absolute destructive insanity being practiced in the Ukraine by Putin's aggression or the never-ending bloodbath that takes place in the middle-east, and beyond. How much is being wasted on these destructive actions? For what? Power? Religion? What has anyone got to gain by all of this? It must end at some point. But, it will only start again. Ultimately, it will never end.

The most distressing thing about this election is how poor public knowledge is about how Hitler and the Nazi Party seized control of Germany.

They were elected! They were elected AFTER they attempted to overthrow the government through violence, went to jail for it, and then returned later to win with only 33% of the vote. Then, the very same criminals who tried to violently overthrow the government by force were now the elected leaders of the nation. The henchmen and cult seized total power over the country and ruled with an iron fist. It ended Democracy in that country and they caused great pain and suffering worldwide using the same arguments we hear today...making scapegoats of minorities and seeding fear and division among friends. The entire movement was centered around a "chosen one" person who was worshipped as some sort of God. People would do anything for that person, even commit crimes against the law, their fellow man, and humanity in general...all for that royal jerk.

That was in Germany. Germany is not some small bush league nation out in the middle of nowhere that didn't do anything productive. Germany is a country of great scientists, artists, philosophers, and incredible business acumen. It is a highly civilized society with everything it needs to succeed in the world. Even THAT country fell victim to the atrocities of such a person.

America is presently in the same soup right now and so many people don't understand why because they don't understand what is happening to them or what happened in history.

I am scared to death for America and for the world that seems to have lost its desire for peace and prosperity and is determined to destroy everything the stability of the past 80 years and 200+ years has brought.

I hope I am wrong. I hope that we can endure this crisis no matter who is elected. I have my doubts that I am wrong. In fact, I'm almost certain I am right. But, we will find way or the other.