The Happiest Day In Life #1


The Happiest Day In Life #1

The Happiest Day In Life for each individual will be of a different nature, so I am going to go down the list of days in my life when I felt the happiest and also add some that I have heard of from other people.

I am not a parent, but I have been told by many parents that the happiest day of their lives was the birth of a child. I guess it is something that comes from deep within that gives people that feeling of joy.

The Happiest Day In Life

The Happiest Day In Life is life itself, meaning the birth of new life.  The most jaded person is softened by seeing a litter of puppies or kittens. Who doesn’t love to see the young pony getting it’s legs out in a green pasture in springtime?  Holding newborn lambs in your arms and feeding them some milk is such a great feeling.  When you take a new baby into your arms and hold them you suddenly come into contact with a gentleness within yourself that makes you capable of holding it.

The Happiest Day In Life

The Happiest Day In Life is when you see a flower bloom that you have planted or to watch the fruit of the trees as they become ripe.  The spring of new life and the miracle of nature are the happiest and most profound joys one can have. I guess it is an expression of love that comes into being when a new soul is released into the world.

Life is rift with challenges, and people have conflicts and problems and fight over the silliest things, and they all are meaningless when compared to the birth of new life. Is it not amazing that people worry and fret over the things that seem important in the moment but really aren’t? There is so much good in the world, so much life, and as I gaze out of my window over the beautiful green shades of the thousands of types of foliage that exist I think that the happiest day in my life is today!

The happiest day reminds me of one of my university’s mottos, ”Life, More Life”.  That is really it isn’t it?  Life grows exponentially in great numbers and life is so very difficult to end. A concrete road will be covered up in a couple of years if left untravelled and without care. There is that movie that talks about how earth would be after man ceases to exist on it, and it shows that all things would disappear over time, and that the only sure way to store data, is to carve it into stone. Nature is not fast in our sense of time, but it is powerful and new life is an undeniable force that will overcome anything else.

Life…be fruitful and multiply… is the charge given to us by the sages of old, only then will you have a full life.  That is the nature of this blog, of this business and it makes total sense. To learn how to be fruitful and multiply, click here!  This blog post, is one of many seeds of good I am placing into the world. Regardless of who reads it or doesn’t read it, I have born a new thought, a new idea and that is new life too! It is a good thing to do!