The Seductive Power of Negativity Versus the Transformative Power of Positivity


There is a choice to be made in life.

Either we choose to have an attitude of positivity and enjoy life or be sad forever by harboring bitter feelings of negativity.

Attitude is everything.

When I walked into the classrooms when I was teaching in the university the first thing that became very apparent to me was the kaleidoscope of attitudes of the students in the room. Attitude makes all of the difference.

My attitude makes all of the difference. It is the deciding factor in my happiness.

There is a saying that if you want to look important or busy all you have to do is look worried and people will believe you are thinking about something 'important'. If you are positive and joyful in your daily attitude it seems that people don't want to take you seriously and will move quickly to rain on your parade, as if the rain will help anything.

As a country, we have been dominated by the negativity of Trump. He is a leader of anger and greed. He is a small person and small people identify with him. But, the problem is actually that those opposed to him have been jumping on the negativity bandwagon about him which makes the whole thing doubled down. Negativity breeds negativity and it is a very seductive thing because it makes us feel...important.

Being positive and hopeful has always been seen as a pollyanna way of living when in fact it is just the opposite. It requires incredible mental strength to maintain a positive attitude throughout your life.

My father used to say, "Somebody licked the red off your candy." What that means is that a beautiful part of life has been taken away from you and now you are always upset. Just like a child who got their candy taken away from them. All of the whining and crying, stomping and blaming, isn't ever going to put the red back on your candy. Yet, we continue to do it. Our attitude about life should not be a reflection of the world's condition but rather an inner strength that we cultivate.