Today Is Independence Day

Today Is Independence Day 2013 For YOU and ME!



We are a couple of days into the government shutdown and personally I am fed up with it.  I have decided that today is Independence Day for me and I highly suggest you decide the same thing.

Let’s face it, government, corporations and your boss determine your life and my life. We really have little control over these entities and to be honest I am not thrilled about the prospect of being dependent on these institutions for anything. It is time to put the shovel in the ground and start to dig my own Fountain of Fortune and stop the armchair quarterback routine sitting on the sidelines yelling at the coaches, the players and the refs, and start to suit up and get in the fray myself.

Today Is Independence Day But Really It Is Be Dependable Day!

If I want independence I must become dependable, for me and for the things I care about. Today is Independence Day and somewhere deep inside you know it too, for you and for yours. The truth is, those who have taken the bull by the horns and said I”m doing this are the ones who have success. No more waiting, no more delaying, no more worrying… now it is all about getting results.

Independence Day Is Everyday

We all have the ability to change our course of action every single day, and yet the days, weeks and months go by and we hang on to the tether we have rather than go for the elevator which is ours for the using by simply pushing a button. It can take you up to where you deserve to be.

I’m declaring October 3, 2013, 23 years after the re-unification of Germany,  that today is Independence Day.

We have an amazing product coming in the Empower Network, the Blogbeast env2, blogging software.  3 million dollars was spent on it’s development and it is available for the same $25 dollar price tag as this blogging system. You can’t imagine the capability of this monster.

You can use this to promote your present business and or to build your Empower Network Affiliate business with 100% commissions and an amazing compensation plan.

Be bold, join us today…you will not believe what this can do for you…

for me, it is my ship towards independence! Click the darn button and join NOW!  Sign on the dotted line, be bold, be brave, be unique but most of all….

Be one of the first to have the darn thing! Go for it, click the button!


Empower Network