War: What has it ever accomplished?

War: What has it ever accomplished? 

When you consider the breadth of history from as far back as the Bible goes to the present day it is apparent that "...there will always be wars and rumors of wars". For all the brilliance of the human mind, this fact seems to make no sense whatsoever. War is such a destructive thing and if instead of killing, bankrupting, and destroying everything that has been built humans would work to use that same energy in constructive ways how much could have been accomplished and improved over the millennia? 

If we consider the present-day situation of the invasion of Ukraine by Russia or the slaughter of Hamas at a music festival both have triggered longer conflicts and at some point in the hopefully not-to-distant future these will have to stop. What then? What will have been gained by it?

No matter the outcome of wars the other side of it is "normal" living. People put down their guns, pick up their tools, and get back to the work of living and the reasons for the wars usually play no more role in the lives of everyday people. There is a limit to how long you can fight.

There is a psychological method about anger that suggests to people to try and stay angry for a sustained period of time. Eventually, you run out of energy for anger. Anger drains the soul. War drains a society, and when enough fighting has been done people just get tired of it and find a way to stop.

Of course, there is the madman's concept of fighting to the death. This means that everyone has to keep on fighting until there is no one else to kill. A great example of this was Germany in World War 2 when practically the entire country was in ruins before "The Leader" finally shot himself and the war ended, dragging millions to their deaths with him.

After all of that build-up, from a prison cell to the pinnacle of power then to lose it all ... at the end of the day, it is again a matter of people getting back to work and trying to make a life for themselves.

Nothing was gained. Everything was destroyed. Life returned to normal. What was the point of it all? There is no point.

This article is not here to say that nobody should defend themselves. I'm not saying that at all. After all, you can't just let a bully come in and take over everything and rob you of your existence. People have the right to defend themselves.

But, what I am saying is really to the aggressors...when has it ever paid off? When has it ever really changed anything?

The only product of war is the end of it, meaning "Peace". That and a lot of dead and crippled bodies, shattered lives, and wasted materials.

How many years did the war in Vietnam last? The Communists won and now what is there? An economy that uses capitalism to grow wealth for the country. They could have had that without the war.

After it is all said and done, Gaza will have to get back to normal, Ukraine and Russia will have to get back to normal, and all around the world everyone has to get back to normal no matter the conflict.

So, why go to all the trouble to start such conflicts? It makes no sense.

Yes, the American Revolution brought in a new form of government, and a constitution based on the equal rights of the individual. But, no matter what government there is, what constitution you have, or what economic system you use the work of life on the street level doesn't change. Farmers farm, bakers bake, people build stuff and sell it, kids go to school, people get married, and have children and build families.

Nothing will ever change the common, boring, everyday work of life. War will never change that so you'd have to ask yourself, do humans really need wars to create a better life for people? No, it could all be done without it.