The cure for boredom is creating something, anything…just do it…
There is never a better time to create than the present. Especially if you are bored.
That is what is good about boredom. Boredom is actually you sixth sense telling you to create something…out of nothing.
Boredom is a state of feeling like everything is futile, a waste of time. All of that running around or seemingless pointless acrivities that mean nothing to you or anyone else for that matter.
Creating something, even if it is doodling, puts your mind to work. It opens doors, calls up memories and dreams of fantastic futures.
Creating is your step outside your little box of life. It pushes you beyond the safe and secure world of comfort. Even if nobody else is there to be your audience, you alter your reality in a profound way.
Some people may say, “I don’t have time to be creative.” My answer to that is, “Then you will never know what is inside of you.”
People see creativity as a New Age mumbo jumbo, but isn’t. People view the arts as some sort of vitamin for the spirit.
But creativity is an incubator for dreams. It is a searching for solutions to problems you don’t know exist. Creativity is how you discover the Giant Within that you want to release.
So what is business?
Business is the way you transform dreams into reality. It is how you manifest your creativity imto the world for your benefit, and to enrich the world.
When you look at plumbing businesses, you see two kinds. Those that do the typical stuff and then there are those that are creative with their business. By doing that, they will raise the level of their customer base and sharpen their skills.
Agood business does the job. Great business creates something special, moving every industry forward.