Let It Shine
Your Brilliance is Your Light Shining Into the World
I define boredom as a state of being that is without Brilliance. People tell me all the time that they are never bored and I believe them, if they use their definition of the term. People claim they aren’t bored because they are busy and have a lot to think about and deal with on a daily basis. I understand that and am glad they have things to keep them occupied. But being occupied by is not the same as living a life determined by your own inspired intentions.
The Brilliance of Blogging For Me
I have just started blogging everyday on purpose as taught by the Empower Network. Writing and making a video or two everyday is now becoming a ritual. I have always wanted to get up and start working right away, early in the morning, because that is when my thoughts are flowing and I can determine the quality of my day by steering my mental energy in a positive direction by doing real work where I give some value into the world. This focused purpose of sharing my experiences, knowledge and feelings is a great way to project my Brilliance into the world.
Some folks may feel stressed by having to blog everyday. For me, it is a relief, because I get my thoughts onto paper and expose them to the world. This relieves my mind and therefore relaxes my body. It is really quite amazing.
Sharing Your Brilliance Makes You Vulnerable
There is no doubt about it. Sharing your Brilliance makes you vulnerable to outside criticism. So it is a little scary to be honest. Sometimes what you have to say may be controversial and incite criticism on a specific view and it can happen that there will be those who don’t like you because of it. This is a bit disconcerting and why expressing yourself openly requires courage. Many people are happy to stay hidden, but really it isn’t about hiding, because you can blog on any subject. You can blog on any topic from Quilting to International Finance for example. Blog about what you like, it is your blog! Isn’t it brilliant that you can blog on purpose about anything you want and later reap the benefits from it?
Excited by the Brilliance of this Blogging Platform
I am excited about combining what I love to talk about with a way to build a business.
To find out more about how this is possible simply:
- click on this link
- enter an e-mail address so I know you do indeed want some information
- watch the introduction video provided.
The Brilliance of this concept is nothing new and you can do it on your own, but when you do it with the Empower Network platform, you leverage the power of all of the other bloggers who use this platform as well, increasing chances for your blog getting attention in the vast sea of the internet. This way of promoting your art is exciting and can be profitable, which is a huge part of my project Boredom to Brilliance.
Let your Brilliance shine, don’t hide from the world. It needs the best you have to give!