I just wanted to get these thoughts on ‘paper’ today… and … as these are spontaneous thoughts they are probably not complete, well-thought-out ideas. But, here goes anyway. I was just reminded of something a couple of my sales-minded friends told me when I asked them about sales: they all…
Month: May 2024
Timothy Simpson
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A New Hope: America needs a new vision for the future…NOW!
America needs “A New Hope” for its future and it needs it NOW! America has been caught up in turmoil over the past 8 years. This turmoil began long ago and it has been gaining ground ever since. The past has been preserved by political parties that can’t escape it….
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My Old Kentucky Home: State Song, Blues Song, and Identification with “Home”
I was born and raised in Kentucky. My first professional musical ‘job’ was in 1981 at the Stephen Foster Story in Bardstown, Kentucky. The state song of Kentucky is “My Old Kentucky Home” and I have always loved the song. Is it time to say “Good Night” to it? I’m…