Winning and becoming a champion Step 6 Team
Before I start on this topic, I would like to put something into perspective. I am an individualist. I don’t join things as a general rule, because I don’t want myself to be pigeon-holed into a certain type of person based on a group that I would be a member of. Being ”catagorized” is a nightmare to me because I want to stay flexible in my life.
This is not to say there are certain things I stand for, not at all, but the top of my list of things to stand for is that I believe in being an individual and of your own mind. So being a part of a group that tells you ”how to be” is not something I am going to be a part of…
…having said that I will say that one of the most important aspects of winning and becoming a champion are to be associated with groups or teams that are a winning and championship team.
It is terribly difficult to do exercises on your own. It is much easier to do it with other people doing the same thing. That is why aerobic and yoga classes are so effective. It is so much better to join a group of people doing aerobics or yoga than it is to do it at home alone.
In music I was a part of choirs, opera companies, teams of people doing what I was wanting to do. It is difficult to be an opera singer if you don’t have an opera company to sing with.
In sports, it is difficult to be a basketball or football player if you don’t have a team to play on.
People who want to win, to succeed and to be good at what they do, do everything they can to get into a team of winning and successful people.
Musicians who go to Julliard or sing and perform at Lincoln Center, are seen as being on a winning team, so they are viewed as winners. The people who want to succeed in that profession realize that if they can make it there, they truly can make it anywhere.
Surrounding yourself in a winning atmosphere with other high achievers has a powerful effect on your life. When you are in it, it doesn’t seem like anything extraordinary. Your level of existence is different than that of people with a lower level of achievement, but inside that high level of successful people the same stuff goes on as in the lower levels.
I’m not qualifying or judging people at any level, but rather to say, people are basically the same at whatever level you are playing, so why not play at the higher level, why not get on the championship teams, why not associate yourself with the movers and shakers if it is really all the same anyway?
You hear a lot about ”you become who you associate yourself with.” It is true isn’t it?
The difficult part of this equation is that if you want to be around people who are winning in life that usually means you are going to have to limit your time around people you have spent time with previously. It doesn’t mean you love them any less, nor value them any less, but it does mean that you aren’t going to allow the limiting thoughts they practice to have a say in your life. It isn’t an easy thing to do.
When you first enter into that new world, you are going to feel out of place. You are going to be faced with some basic beliefs that will challenge the way you have lived up till now.
The great coaches in sports, the great conductors in music are not going to just let you get by with the same old excuses and lazy practices that has hindered your performance up till now.
Winners don’t spend time with people who are willing to settle for second best. That is just the way it is. Either you earn your way into the team, or you are not on the team.
Talent has a lot to do with winning and being successful, but more than just talent it is being willing to do what winners do to be successful and that means, no short cuts, no dilly dallying, no excuses and no bad mouthing anyone. Winners take responsibilty on the team seriously and perform as a part of the team with their whole heart.
Then, the team lifts you up on their shoulders after the victory has been won.
Anything achieved alone, was achieved in concert with others. It can be no other way.
To be successful you need to be on a winning team with leaders who will help you become better at what you want to do. Click here to find all about this team, The Empower Network, which is all about independent freedom to be who you are and ot be a part of a group that celebrates your unique qualities.