Most vocal weaknesses and problems are caused by misuse of the breath.
Singing is easy, learning how to sing is not. Why? It is because almost nobody teaches the element of breath in singing, which is really 90% of what it takes to sing well and with ease. It stems from the lack of the word ”support” in the equation. Breath and sing isn’t enough, you need to breathe – support and then sing, because without the support all of the pressure of the air can only be regulated by the voice, which is not what you want.
Singing is one of the most satisfying experiences a human being can have. To sing freely and confidently without consciously knowing what you are doing with the breath is next to impossible and eventually will lead to problems.
How to do it is another post. But, it is unfortunately necessary to have a teacher who can teach you how to do this, and they are few and far between. The great thing is that it doesn’t matter how old or young you are, because support is a function your body always has but won’t work unless you do it. So when the question is asked, ”My daughter is 10 years old, can she start voice lessons that early?`” The answer is yes, because the real lesson is about the breath.