7 Great Things about Mozart!
Pavarotti: The Art of Declamation
Pavarotti was a great example of the Art of Declamation.
Living on Purpose: The meaning of everything you do.
Give meaning to your life by doing things with a purpose I’ll admit I have been doing a lot of things out of a certain actionism (not a word) that has produced nothing much of value to myself or the world. I have had to ask myself the question ”What…
Simpson, Why are you blogging?
Blogging is about expressing yourself and defining your mission and your art!
The 10 Best Things About Being an Opera Singer
The 10 Best Things about being an opera singer!
Premiere Heute! Lustiges in Theater- Studio Mönchengladbach!
Wär nur die Sehnsucht nicht so groß!
Music is My Passion: Blog about your passion!
It is easy to blog about what you are most passionate about.
Freedom is not a blanket term which gives you the right to do whatever you want.
Freedom is not anarchy.
Dreams, Vision and Illusion
Dreams, Vision and Illusions are Great but you must be clear on one I have a lot of ideas. I have had many dreams. It is easy for me to get a vision. But all