I have been listening to the audiobook written by Prince Harry entitled “Spare”. I am impressed by one aspect of this book and that is how brief the chapters are. Each chapter deals with one topic. The chapters don’t go on and on about a topic but deliver a short…
The Billion Dollar Plague of Misinformation and the Addiction to Sensationalism through Conspiracy Theories
Disclaimer: I don’t know what the truth is. However, I feel like I know what the truth is. I trust my instincts. I trust the sense of right and wrong that was taught to me during my childhood years. It may have been a protective type of fairy tale truth…
War: What has it ever accomplished?
War: What has it ever accomplished? When you consider the breadth of history from as far back as the Bible goes to the present day it is apparent that “…there will always be wars and rumors of wars”. For all the brilliance of the human mind, this fact seems to…
Outsmarting God: The Tangled Web of Enlightenment and The Mind
Outsmarting God and the tangled web of enlightenment. It is all a mental exercise, a kind of spiritual searching that causes confusion and leads to a certain kind of insanity. I am especially prone to overthinking things. People always say how I “live in my head” too much. I agree…
Go to work. Live your life.
Go to work and live your life. The topic of work-life balance is a big one and I believe one of the most important things that a person has to come to grips with in order to have a truly ‘happy’ life. When things get out of balance it is…
Joining Groups: It is good to join things…as long as they are linked to a constructive purpose.
I have always been very cautious about joining ‘things’. The problem I have with joining things is that groups want you on their agenda and want you to agree with their philosophy on any given matter. Although I recognize the importance of becoming a part of groups can enhance life’s…
Lasting Value: The value of having lived.
Lasting Value: The value of having lived Being another one of my early morning writings this topic came to me while listening to a Podcast about Beethoven and his 3rd Symphony which asked the question, “What does music mean?”. The question is something I have often pondered and the result…
Spontaneous Thoughts of the Morning: Content Creation
00:04 Hi there. Good morning. This is Timothy Simpson And today I want to talk about writing what you want to say before you say it. Uh And how writing is really the best way to organize your thoughts and to think through of ideas that you have and thoughts that you have…
Faith and Works: The Evidence for Parallel Realms
Inspired by the sermon yesterday by Mark’s pastor Micheal Norton in his discussion about “Faith and Works”. I have a long-held philosophy about the arguments that get bantered around between the existence of the spiritual realm and the physical world we are so tied to. In fact, these…
Popular and Elite Art: What is good?
Popular makes a lot of money because you have more people agreeing that something is good. But, does “popular” mean that something is actually good? Well, it certainly doesn’t mean it is bad. It just means that a lot of people agree on something. It may or may not have…