Growing up on ‘The Hill’ my brother and I couldn’t wait to go to football and basketball games. Now, just a few short years later, we still love going and being
Make Your Garden Grow Repeat.
I'm reposting this video today because I simply wanted to try out my new Blogbeast platform. I was floored this morning when I logged in and saw this on my computer. It is so easy, so very easy. Folks this is awesome! Plant this seed!
Bye Bye Word Press! Hello Beast!
Today Is The Final Day For This Word Press Blog! The Blogbeast ate it. Well, things change, and sometimes even for the better. Blogging is making a new renaissance, and that renaissance is the coming Blogbeast platform provided through the Empower Network. I got accustomed to Word Press, but really,…
Staying Positive In The Midst Of Negativity From Outside and Within
The Art of Staying Positive Is staying positive really such a challenge? If it is such a challenge does that mean that I am a negative person, or is it just the way of the world that keeps reminding us of negative things. I’ll be honest with you. It appears to be a lot…
Today Is Independence Day
Today Is Independence Day 2013 For YOU and ME! We are a couple of days into the government shutdown and personally I am fed up with it. I have decided that today is Independence Day for me and I highly suggest you decide the same thing. Let’s face it,…
Be Positive Or Zip It!
[youtube] WITH A WORLD OF NEGATIVITY SURROUNDING YOU IT IS IMPORTANT TO BE POSITIVE OR ZIP IT! I’m not big on TV Evangelists nor do I think much of religions as a general rule, mostly because they are often very negative in their method, but this message by Joel…
People Join Things: Clubs and Subscriptions And Pay Dues
Joining Things That Make You Money People are always joining things that cost them money. People pay for things on a monthly basis that provide a service or is a useful organization, but they all cost you money. Why not join something that makes you money? That is a question I…
Making Money Without Taking Money From People
Making Money Without Taking Money Is The Goal Here The thing that has always attracted me to network marketing and especially the Empower Network is that it is all about making money without taking money from people. Even when I perform service or work of some kind, I never feel comfortable…
If Your Heart Isn't In It Put It In It Or Don't Do It
Your Heart Does Not Lie So You Must Make What You Do Right For It Only your heart knows the truth. Nothing is truer to my soul than music. This is where my heart is happiest. When I am around music my heart is happy. It is as simple as…
A Big Dream Slips In Through The Cracks Of Reality
[youtube] Every Now And Then A Big Dream Shows Itself We live our lives in the real world. Every so often when we are thinking about doing something a big dream seems to creep in and an entire new world of possibilities open up to us. In an instant…