Gold, Silver and a Coke Bottle

Yesterday morning as I was leaving the house, my father stopped me and said, ''Hey, Let's sit down and talk about silver.''  

My father has a tendency to read the papers and watch the news and get worried that the Depression will return and that the global markets are about to crash. He received a newsletter in the mail outlining all of this and how silver was the best investment, of course, they are selling silver. 

While I am not closing my eyes to the world situation and am open to discuss anything, I told him that neither he nor I have enough knowledge to ''figure it out'' this morning nor did I have time nor want to interrupt what I had planned to do, to sit down and speculate about this. 

This morning I woke up thinking about the movie ''The God's Must Be Crazy.'' Great movie, very funny, with a message about the importance of money. I'll spoil it for you right now…

…the movie is about how a guy flying over a sparsely populated section of South Africa, threw a Coke bottle out the window of his little airplane, almost hitting a native Bushman on the head. It was the first time he had ever seen anything like it before and he brought it to the camp where his tribe was.

They began using it for all kinds of purposes and it began to be something that everyone wanted and the tribe began having fights among themselves over the bottle. So, they got together and decided that the best thing to do was to return the Coke bottle to the Gods who must have been crazy for ever making such a thing, much less sending it to them. So, the movie is about the Bushman's attempt to return it to the Gods and his adventures along the way.

In the end, the 'white man' tries to thank him for helping him out, the adventures I told you about, and forces him to take a huge wad of money as a reward. It means nothing to the Bushman, and he returns to the bush, throwing the money on the ground to be blown and scattered by the wind. Epic end of the story!

Money makes people crazy. Sometimes I think that the Gods really were crazy to have sent it to mankind. Gold and silver, rare rocks when you get right down to it, can make you crazy in today's world and it doesn't matter if you have too much or too little. 

The point of this article is to illustrate that money was not sent to us by the Gods to curse us, but to bless us.

As you see in the movie, the Coke bottle is first seen as a miracle, a blessing, because it can be used to make life better. But then, human nature took over and turned it into something to be coveted and not shared. 

Money is the same way. Having money is a blessing and making money is a necessary part of life in the modern world. It is about hunting and gathering. Money is worthless, in fact, what money can buy you is what money is about. 

Okay, you need money to survive in today's world. It pays for food, shelter and insurance. The money system is a way to trade for things you want, and the system has worked well, look at all of the fabulous inventions that have been created from it. A nice car, air conditioning, man flying to the moon, curing diseases, building our world to make it a good place to live. 

But, money is not the point of existence. Money can provide what you want out of life, like being able to spend time with those you love, seeing things that lift your spirit, helping those in need, traveling the world to understand it better. 

Unfortunately, many in our society today have a very low threshhold of money. The bank account teters around $0.00 and the stress of making it to the next month's end makes life a miserable experience. Not being able to provide for your family, to get your kids a good education or to live day to day realizing that tomorrow those worries will still be there. These are the stresses that we do not need in our lives nor do you get any reward for enduring it. People aren't meant to live that way. 

Even those with a lot of money often have it sacrificing the same peace of mind as those with little money because they are tied down to a job that swallows their entire existence, takes them away from their family and honestly can be taken away from them in an instant. That isn't peace of mind either. 

So, whether you have a little or a lot of money, the problems surrounding really are the same. 

That is why a company like The Empower Network, sponsor of this beautiful Blogbeast platform is such a valuable company today. It offers the possibility to make a substantial and living income, from home or anywhere, and doesn't steal what is truly valuable away from your life, your time, your family, all those you love and the things you want in life.  

Here is another movie you will enjoy.…Video it and then get started today!

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