With James McCray at the Plaats in The Hague, The Netherlands. xThere was never a time in my career singing opera that I thought I had everything I needed to reach my best singing. I always knew I had certain shortcomings during my career. I believe most people probably have…
Category: Music

Altered Perspective: How some of the things I used to like now kind of make me cringe.
This article is really more about exploring a topic than stating facts so the exercise is one more of just trying to put down on ‘paper’ the thoughts and feelings about things in my life that I can’t seem to quite grasp. So…off we go… For some odd reason I…

My Old Kentucky Home: State Song, Blues Song, and Identification with “Home”
I was born and raised in Kentucky. My first professional musical ‘job’ was in 1981 at the Stephen Foster Story in Bardstown, Kentucky. The state song of Kentucky is “My Old Kentucky Home” and I have always loved the song. Is it time to say “Good Night” to it? I’m…

The Texas Tenors a Class Act with Orchestra Kentucky
https://timothy-simpson.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/Texas-Tenors.m4a Bowling Green, KY 8/28/31 Life was breathed into an expectant audience in Orchestra Kentucky’s first concert of the Season 21/22 at the increasingly popular venue The SKYPAC, Southern Kentucky Performing Arts Center, in Bowling Green, Kentucky last Saturday evening at 7:30 p.m. This Texas Tenors concert was completely accompanied…
The Conflicts in College Teaching
I am in the middle of my first semester teaching Music Appreciation to undergraduate underclassmen/women and I am experiencing conflicts between the curriculum, the students and the mission of the university in this process. There are several issues with the class that I have yet to resolve. So, I will…
There is never a bad time to hear good music: Clair de Lune
Start your day with beautiful music, move to it, breath to it and let it power your spirit for the right way to go into the world.
Conquering Challenges: The most difficult pieces I performed.
You are not going to sing opera without developing some pretty amazing skills.
Huge Music: Verdi's Requiem – Dies irae
For a novice singer in a large chorus I had no idea what awaited me when we rehearsed with orchestra for the first time…this music you feel…viscerally….enjoy!
The Music That Changed My Life
Music is more than a career, a way of life. It is the sound of the spirit coming to us in a frequency that our ears can hear, resonating with our very being.
The Most Beautiful Music in The World: Samuel Barber's ''Adagio for Strings''
I give it to you, the reader, to turn into a listener and just let it make you feel…human.