Let me just preface the following by admitting that my views here are probably wrong and possibly offensive to some folks out there. That and the fact that I am not sure what I really believe any more because of my perception of a world full of contradictions. Really, this…
Category: Uncategorized

Trust, the Opposition, Democracy, and the Building of a Compelling Future
Why do I place a picture of Kung Fu fighters on the same page as a blog about politics? The reason is due to a philosophy that I have begun to think about concerning the American constitution and what the purpose of opposition in politics should be. “In God We…
Impartial: The Entire Senate is Guilty of Breaking their Oath
“I solemnly swear (or affirm, as the case may be,) that in all things appertaining to the trial of the impeachment of , now pending, I will do impartial justice according to the Constitution and laws: so help me God.” On February 9, 2021 100 members of the United States…

Move from battle to battle. The struggle for American Democracy
January 6, 2021 was the last gasp of a miserable 2020 in the United States. For so many reasons I am sharing Beethoven’s 3rd Symphony, 2nd Movement. This blog post is an attempt at pulling my emotions out of the ashes from the fire storm of 2020. I am mourning…

The Difference between Everything Being “Fine”, but it isn’t “Good”.
This post will probably be too honest. The good thing about honesty is that you are telling the truth and as General Schwarzkopf said “Nothing gets better until you tell the truth.” My life has been in upheaval since the year 1998 really and all of it was self inflicted…

Tops Football in Fragile Position Going Forward Despite Excellence in Handling the Covid19 Crisis.
I’ve been attending football games at WKU since 1965 except for the years 1984 to 2016 when I lived in Germany. I was able see several games during those years but also viewed online as that facility became more and more possible with time. Topper football is something I grew…

Why should I have a website/blog?
Why should you have a blog? Well, there are many good reasons to have a blog. But I would say the number one reason is because it is the place for you to be you. It is the best way to represent what you are all about, whether it is…

Why I send Happy Holidays Greetings
When I write greeting cards around the holiday season I usually write just Happy Holidays for many reasons. First, by saying Happy Holidays I am including all of the holidays that come at this time of year, which in my world of cultural upbringing include Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years….
Thanksgiving and missing Mom
I’m not big on mourning the past but somehow today is different. It is November 27, 2020, a day after Thanksgiving Day 2020 and already the third Thanksgiving with out my mother, Patricia Bandy Simpson. Time has gone by so fast since her passing and not a day goes by…
Addiction: What is it?
What is an “Addiction”? The state of being compulsively committed to a habit or practice or to something that is psychologically or physically habit-forming, as narcotics, to such an extent that its cessation causes severe trauma. The definition above covers a lot of bases in the discussion about addictions. Compulsion,…