Larry Bird, T Harv Ecker and Doing The Easy Things Consistently



Doing The Easy Things Consistently

Larry Bird is one of the greatest shooters in the history of the game of basketball.  So when you watch that short video where he is talking to Red Auerbach about shooting, you think ”Wow, that looks easy!”  Well the fact is, IT IS EASY!  My voice teacher once said that singing high notes was the easy part of singing because unless it is easy you can’t do it.  But of course getting to that point requires that you practice consistently.

Consistently Do Things The Easy Way

You will notice that Bird’s greatest attribute was that he consistently practiced throughout his career.  But what did he practice?  Did he practice running around throwing up ”Hail Marys” or try to get an extra hitch in his shot to make it look cooler?  NO! Of course not. What you notice is that his shooting motion is very minimal. You notice that instead of making it more difficult he makes it easier. When he practices he practices the same shot, with as little motion and effort as possible 1000 times. Most people are get too bored to do that.

When I teach someone to shoot a basketball or throw a football for instance I simply say to them that the less range of motion they have in their body, the less likely you will make a mistake. Really, standing at the free throw line and consistently hitting it shouldn’t be that difficult, the only thing that makes it difficult is that you don’t do it with as little motion as possible and you don’t do the same thing every time. And it DOES matter how you shoot…I digress. Consistently doing things in the  smallest, easiest and most uncomplicated requires discipline to refine your skills, not to augment the difficulty of them.

Your Results Are An Accumulation of Consistently Doing Things A Certain Way

T Harv Ecker’s video speaks a huge truth when it comes to life skills which parallel Larry Bird’s ability to shoot the ball.  Doing the small, easy things consistently will do more to bring you success in anything than all of the fancy and complicated stuff we think are important.  It is like snowflakes, they are small, light and fragile, but when they consistently fall over a long period of time they become an avalanche.  So, the question is, what are the snowflakes like in life, are they little + plus signs or are they little – minus signs?  In the beginning they may not seem like much but both accumulate quickly and either you end of with an avalanche of pluses or minuses.  The only difference is consistently doing the easy things.

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