Fear Mongers And Their Faked Concern For Others

A friend sent me an email with a link to a blog that is built to discredit other companies so he could drive people into his. 

In my estimation, nothing is lower class than this. 

Fearmongering is simply the tactic used by weak people because they have nothing going for themselves. The number one fearmongering organization ever in the history of the world was the Nazis in Germany with their famed imported leader Hitler. 

Now, I am not comparing this site to Hitler, after all, this is just about online warfare, but I am comparing the scare tactics used, which are so easy for people to buy into because nobody trusts their own judgement on things. 

Here are the tell tale signs of fear mongering.  They present all others as being evil, and they are the savior. They seem like they are doing people a favor, and are looking out for people’s best interests, when all they are really doing is promoting their own. 

They pit people against people, create suspicion and cultivate fear and mistrust all to drive the helpless masses to them, the savior from all evil.

The end result, a destructive force in society that widens and widens because people will believe the bad before they even consider the good. 

My claim is, that if you cannot attract people to your business on it’s own merrit, without dissing other’s businesses, then you are in essence worthless. 

It is such bad form. It makes me sick when people diss other people to get you on their side. These are the types of people who will turn their backs on you and talk bad about you if it serves them. They have no integrity, because they cannot stand on their own. 

I don’t care who it is, if people are dissing others, this only means they are weak and I am here to defend those folks who stand for not operating this way. 

It is totally discouraging to me, when the people closest to me present me with stuff like this and believe they are saving me from something. It breaks my heart that they are taken in by it. 

I will never discourage people by ‘warning’ them based on the opinion of some random website on the internet.  Any moron can get on there and be a loser, and there are a lot of losers. 

Obviously, I do not condone blind trust in things either, but, you need to make your own decisions and not base them on some beligerent idiots on the internet. That information is flawed. 

Make your own decisions based on facts by asking questions to people who know what they are talking about, and in many cases this will be hard to find, because the truth is, most people don’t know. 

Look at the business and give it a try, if you don’t like it, get out. But don’t go around blaming the world and the business because you were bad at doing it. Get real.