Fun and Games: All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.

When you are a kid everyone finds it natural to play games, to go outside and have fun, to enjoy life in a carefree manner and somehow the older you get it seems that work and responsibilities push that time out of your life, and in fact is seen as being irresponsible when you do it.

Work and responsibility come first, then if you get all of that taken care of, then you can enjoy life.

Well, that is disastrous. Self denial of life’s enjoyment for any reason is not only unhealthy, but it is also dangerous.

It is dangerous for your physical health, for your mental health and also for your emotional well being. You can’t and shouldn’t live life that way, because it is not living life.

We do not work and have responsibilities to have a life, we have a life that also includes those things. But, the more we deny ourselves the right to live we will end up despising those things we let steal our life away, and nothing is worth that.

Instead, our work needs to be embedded in enjoyment, not in drudgery. If you aren’t having fun working, no matter what it is, I would be it is because life outside of work is not enjoyable.

Who can forget this epic scene in ”The Shining” where Jack is typing his novel and gets into the cabin fever of that vacation lodge in the off season.



A compelling argument, wouldn’t you say?

Work is important, responsibility is important, but more important is living life.