[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YyGF9u0rakc?rel=0&wmode=transparent&autoplay=0]
Handicapped Inventor From Louisville
How is it that I can be born literally blocks from this man’s home and have grown up in Kentucky and know quite a bit about Kentucky history and have never heard of Charles Lee Cook until today? This genius inventor, born in 1870 was stricken by Polio at one year’s age and never walked a step in his life and yet created a million dollar company that still exists today as part of a large worldwide corporation called Cook Compression. Is this story not as compelling as Colonel Sanders, Abraham Lincoln or Muhammed Ali?
An Inventor Solves Problems By Using Their Creative Imagination
Picture a handicapped 8 year old tinkering with collected junk building a small steam engine and over the years his fascination with them led him to realize there was a need for a way to keep steam from escaping the cylinders of the motor, so he tinkers and finds a solution for his problem. At the age of 18 he starts a small company and patents his invention, creates a manufacturing company and has the good fortune of selling contracts to the United States government for use on naval vessels. An inventor in a small garage can build an empire…see Steve Jobs. If…a lot of things.
Louisville Inventor Charles Lee Cook
Problems Are The Primary Source Of Inspiration For An Inventor
What is the main difference between humans and the rest of the living beings on earth? The ability to solve multiple complex problems and to see more problems so that we can create more solutions. An inventor thrives on problems. Okay, maybe problems is the wrong word. You could call them challenges or issues or whatever, but in the end, it is an obstacle that stands between what you want and where you are right now. As the old adage goes, ”Find a need and fill it.” If you can’t find a need, ”Create a need and fill it.”
Where Did I Learn About C. Lee Cook?
”The Law of Success” (1925 Original Version) by Napoleon Hill. Where else? As great a book ”Think and Grow Rich” is, which is a condensed version of the Law of Success, the original holds many insights that are passed over in the latter. I will say, some of Hill’s views in L-o-S are outmoded today, but his book is a rock solid 25 years of research. Amazing! It should be the ”Holy Book” of Education, one book nobody does without.
Why the heck am I writing all of this? Because I am trying to develop a plan for a seminar I am giving and the revelation I had was about power and my reading on the topic led me down this road and I just saw the word Louisville written in the book and took a closer look.
Really, what is all of this about? It is about having a desire, the one you were born with, the animal burning desire to eat and feed your young, to create the dream you have in your imagination, make it reality by using your emotional power, intellectual power, enthusiasm and using a mastermind of smart people to get all of this done. But, today, people are lost, absolutely lost how to do this, I am also working on it, and these days you need a proven way to create real income to survive in this age of technology and information. If you want to find answers here is a good place to start. Go Ahead and click on it and enter your E-mail address. This is another story of having a burning desire to eat leading to an amazing company.
You can do it. How do I know? Because we were all given the burning desire to eat and that is enough to build an empire.