Music Content: Sometimes Words Are Too Much


Using music content is a wise choice for replacing the spoken word

Music is non-verbal communication that is transmitted aurally. Music content is often the best way to describe a situation. Here I have chosen English Lute Music, which has a distinct character, from a time gone by, but still is good to hear after all of these centuries. There is a peaceful timelessness about it.

Music content fills libraries around the world

…and is known as well as music literature.  You can write a lot about music, and describe it in many words, but nothing can replace it for what it is.  Even the notes themselves are not what music is, obviously music is only music when it is being played, live, by a real person on a real instrument.  Recordings are great as well, but they do not do live music justice.  Really, music lives and dies in the same moment, making each moment singularly special. So really, the only real music content that exists is life performance.

Creating music content can only be done by those who can make music

The ability to play an instrument or use your voice is part of being human.  Without developing it part of what you can be is lost.  You can express a lot with music content. Not being able to do it is more like a handicap than anything else.

I have always been frustrated by my limitations on the piano or with the guitar and flute.  These all take practice and the constant challenge of getting better.  But the reward is immense.  Plus, there is the element of communication with yourself.  When practicing music you fall into the realm of music and you take on the thinking patterns of the great masters.  When you have mastered a piece of music, you become the composers instrument, you think with their minds and have insight like few other things in life.

So many people have a lot of talent but don’t ever think of trying something musical for whatever reason.  For me, creating music content for parties and gatherings is one of the best things you can do and it is a social skill which attracts people to you.  Music is a magnet. People are drawn to it.  So, if you want to be good at something, play an instrument. No matter what level you are at, people will be astounded that you can.  It is almost like being a magician.

So, here I am writing words about music, and if you also like to write words about music go and click on one of the banners on the page, enter your E-mail address and start down the road to seeing what this is all about!  I love doing this. Hope you enjoy the Lute Music!