Musicians and artists of all genres can earn extra income on the internet

Musicians and artists of all genres can earn extra income on the internet

One of the biggest challenges facing musicians and artists of all genres is being able to create enough extra income to practice, develop and promote their art. It is especially difficult for young people who are trying to get their foot in the door because they are usually working jobs that give the needed flexibility to allow them to pursue their art.

The jobs that allow for this flexibility are minimum wage jobs. The fact is that these jobs produce just enough extra income to live on and to be able to take lessons, do auditions and develop themselves professionally.

The real job of being an artist is being able to sell it, which means promoting yourself. The truth is, until the corporations discover you and do all of the promotion for you, you are on your own. Agents and managers are much more likely to want to represent you if you are already making a name for yourself and earning income on your own.

It isn’t an easy thing to do, but it can and should be done and in todays vast marketplace finding a niche for your art is the number one consideration.

I remember while I was studying voice in school, the emphasis was on being able to sing in all languages and in all classical styles, and if you could do some pop or musical stuff that was all the better. Even when applying for facutly jobs, academia has the flawed impression that being a jack of all trades is a good thing.

It isn’t.

There are two major keys to mastery, one is concentrate on one thing and two is know that mastery means ”always learning and growing.” The most successful people in the arts are those who you immediately associate with a certain genre, opera…Luciano Pavarotti, painting, Picasso, rock and roll … Mick Jagger… Mark Twain, writing…and the list goes on.

So, pounding your niche market and becoming an expert in that niche is what becoming a master artist is all about. Well, it is also what internet marketing is all about, and today, the internet offers artists a great way to increase their influence in their niche.

But, where can you learn that and how can you make money in the process?

This is where it all begins and it is a creative platform for everyone built to build anything you want and leveraged by one of the most popular websites on the internet.

The Empower Network is here to empower you in your dreams and to help you put money in your pocket. Why work a minimum wage job and barely get by when it is possible to make a good income building your business and your bank account while you are building your reputation as an artist.

Why work the Empower Network? Because you can build a team of like minded artist-preneurs, leveraging your income, while learning from the best marketers on the internet.

Go ahead and check it out here, enter your email address and watch the video…

As the saying goes in the Empower Network, ”let’s lock arms, build a team and fight the forces of evil!”  Lets build a team of artists and arts lovers who all they really care about is making their art. TEAM: Together Everyone Achieves More!