Outsmarting God and the tangled web of enlightenment. It is all a mental exercise, a kind of spiritual searching that causes confusion and leads to a certain kind of insanity.
I am especially prone to overthinking things. People always say how I "live in my head" too much. I agree completely. I don't want to. However, there have always been things in life that I couldn't quite get the right view of and it disturbed me how people are so willing to just buy into a mentality or belief without much questioning. Even though there has to be a certain amount of faith in life, I am not sure a "blind faith" is necessarily meant by this.
This article started a long time ago. It all started when I was first presented with the idea of "God", "Jesus", "Religion", and how to live life. This of course gave way to all of the questions that get posed if you are at all a thinking human being, which can't get answered because nobody can know it.
Then you get confronted by the Atheists, Agnostics, Spiritual sects, and so on which all seem to have completely logical answers to the questions. They all claim to have "The Answer".
I have come to the conclusion after many years of this sort of searching that there is no "The Answer" but only "Questions". The main factor here is the state of mind. When you have "The Answer" your mind closes but when you have "Questions" your mind opens. I like having an open mind and really I believe it is the healthy state of mind to have. Knowing, or thinking you know, all the answers is extremely limiting. It places barriers between you and others. Even with this philosophy it is easy to get trapped into thinking that this is "The Answer", it isn't. Something else is. What? Nobody knows. That is where God comes in.
The self serving theologies of religions require you to believe in God. The natural reaction by thinking people is often against that notion because you can't "Prove" that God exists, and if you can't prove it, it doesn't exist. However, like Yuri Gegarin who said the "I looked outside and didn't see God in heaven." if you think you are going to find "God" in space and time of our reality that isn't going to happen.
The crux of what I am getting at here is that the problem with reasoning that there is no God is actually an arrogant way to live. What does believing in God mean? It really means to "Sacrifice your ego and allowing the wisdom of that which you don't know to become your inspiration." It is the humbling statement "I can't know it all and there must be a higher knowledge out there that I can't explain."
I guess it all has to do with semantics and how you define God. But, to me the most critical element is the ability to humble oneself in admitting that you don't and can't know "it all".
There is a certain "confession" that goes with it that I believe is very healthy to admit. Which, I believe is how the whole religion thing got started to begin with. It is the "confession" that "I am but a simple human being and have a limited knowledge and understanding so I am willing to open up my mind and try to learn in a spirit of humility all I can from the wisdom of that which goes beyond my mental capacity."
For this reason I believe that "compassion" should supersede "judgement". "Listening" should come before "Speaking". "Curiosity" should precede "Certainty".
The madness that seems to be everywhere today is directly linked to the ego and the defense against a perceived outside threat to a way of thinking and living. If it isn't like me, it shouldn't be, so kill it. That is crazy. What are they killing? What are they fighting against?
The madness is fighting against their own wisdom. Every time you kill you eliminate wisdom from your future. You eliminate someone that you could have learned from. Someone who may hold the answer to a question you have. Yes, we have to defend ourselves, even to the death, but the insanity lies in the idea that the problem can be solved by someone dying. It can't, it only pushes the answers farther away.
The sooner homo-sapiens realize that they are not all knowing and humble themselves before the eternal and infinite wisdom and knowledge of the universe the sooner peace will be our reward. Sadly, that is unlikely because the thirst for power and control are too much for our little minds to handle and we will continue to commit insane acts all because someone is probably doing it to us.